
Government prepares for rocky Troika revisit

imfThe Troika will be back in Portugal in October to review the 2015 State Budget.

This is the first time funding team will have visited Lisbon since they left at the end of the bailout programme, this time it is for a spot of ‘post-adjustment programme monitoring.’

HMRC could become “judge, jury and executioner”

hmrcBritain’s tax authorities are poised to begin raiding bank accounts to claim money it claims is due to the Exchequer.

The new power, not yet authorised, has provoked opposition from the Building Societies Association which represents all 44 building societies in the UK.

Morrisons celebrates Gibraltar success

gibraltarGibraltar is home to one of the busiest supermarket in the Morrisons chain, always in the top 10 in terms of sales.

Its coveted place as The Rock’s only major supermarket has helped it consistently attract residents for the last 20 years.

Phoenician trader goods uncovered

octopusAncient treasure has been uncovered near an island in Malta which is one of the earliest finds from the Phoenician seafarers.

A shipwreck which happened some 2700 years ago has yielded a cargo of wine jars (amphorae) and grinding stones.

Portimão in last ditch funding talks with government

portimaocamaraPortimão council has joined the three other worst run councils in the country in emergency talks with the government.

Portimão, Aveiro, Nazaré and Vila Nova de Poiares are desperate to access money held in the Municipal Support Fund, money that currently they are denied as they are unable to run at least at break even.

Young Portuguese drivers get the '100% Cool' message

classicarThe GNR’s 100% Cool summer campaign to asses the drinking habit of Portugal’s young drivers has concluded they are drinking less alcohol before driving.

Encouragingly, there is an increase in the ‘designated driver’ arrangement, according to the report released by the Algarve’s GNR and the National Association of Spirits.

Another golf course planned for Silves

golfA planned new golf course in the Silves council area has reached the public consultation phase.

The design of Campo de Golfe da Feitoria Fenícia in Silves is under public consultation until September 16th according to an official posting on the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of the Algarve’s website.

Tranquilidade value €700 million - yours for €50 million

eurozoneEspírito Santo Group subsidiary Tranquilidade will be sold to the Apollo Global Management for €50 million.

Details of the agreement are being closely guarded, but for Novo Banco taking temporary ownership of the insurer for the transaction to be completed.