
Desperate Morrisons goes ‘dawn to dusk’

morrisonsMorrisons supermarket says it will extend its opening hours in an effort to attract customers back to it.

It is going for ‘dawn and dusk’ hours, which could be as early as 6am to 11 pm at 230 of its 490 outlets.

Portugal's May trade deficit was the 5th largest in the EU

containersIn the first five months of 2104, Portugal recorded a trade deficit of €4.1 billion, the fifth largest in the European Union and a shock to the government whose main aim is to persuade the elctorate how much better everything is getting.

By May, the UK, France, Spain, Greece had the largest difference between exports and imports, as show in data published today by Eurostat; Portugal was just behind Greece.

Drugs courier busted at Faro airport

cocaineA drug courier has been stopped, searched and arrested at Faro airport by the Judicial Police who discovered that he had two kilos of cocaine hidden in his bags.

The detainee, referred to only as 'a foreigner,' by the police had flown in to Faro from a South American country putting him high on the list of people to search.

Grim find near Praia da Luz ends 4-month old mystery

luzrochanegraA Spanish tourist made a grim discovery at Rocha Negra near Praia da Luz on Monday as he came across a body.

The remains are almost certainly those of fisherman Ricardo de Jesus Fernandes, 37, who disappeared on April 11. More than four months later he has been found, wedged into a crevasse at the base of the cliff.

In defence of bulls and wild birds

bullfightingAnti-bullfighting campaigners are planning their biggest public protest outside the Albufeira bullring in opposition to what is expected to be one of the country’s most attended bullfighting events of the year.

The campaigners have unveiled a huge billboard by the side of the N125 between Boliquieme and Albufeira proclaiming in Portuguese and English: “Bullfighting = shameful torture. We demand abolition!”  

Montepio's €2 billion in unsecured loans, Bank of Portugal investigates

bop2Portuguese high street bank Montepio Geral has a worrying level of exposure to the collasped Espírito Santo Group and already has written down €150 million that has little chance of being repaid as the group has sought protection from creditors in Luxembourg.

The Bank of Portugal has required that all financial institutions in the country write down at least 50% of bad debt in the Espírito Santo Group and in other companies that are unlikely to repay loans.

Left Bloc accuses Prime Minister of lying to the nation

passoscoelho2The Left Bloc said that the Prime Minister’s speech at the Algarve ‘Pontal’ rally held on Friday night contained a long list of lies.

"Pedro Passos Coelho interrupted his holidays to stir up a PSD supporters’ rally and when opening his 2015 election campaign began to lie to the Portuguese," said Left Bloc Political Commission member Pedro Soares.

Constitutional Court rejects replacement cost saving proposals

justicePortugal's Constitutional Court has rejected further government’s proposal to increase the tax rate for better-off pensioners.

The judges also have kicked out the plan to increase pay cuts for public sector workers on a salary of €1,500 a month or more.