
New jobs as Spanish economy begins to rev

construction2The unemployment rate in Spain has dipped below 25% for the first time in the last two years.

Some 402,000 people were able to find work in the months of April to June.

Port development in Portimão, more delays and a willpower deficit

cruiseshipThe Port Authority of Sines and the Algarve has awarded the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC) the contract to undertake a study to look at ways to improve the maritime access to the port of Portimão.

The study will look at reducing the length of the eastern breakwater by 70 metres while maintaining safety and protection in high seas.

Brazilians thwarted as Espirito Santo Group’s 'Rioforte' seeks court protection

oiBrazilian telecoms company Oi has confirmed that Espirito Santo Group’s Rioforte subsidiary has failed to repay an €879 million bond owed to Portugal Telecom, despite a week’s extension to the deadline.

Oi and Portugal Telecom are merging and the Oi board of directors has watched in shock as Portugal Telecom is caught in the crossfire of the Espirito Santo meltdown, leaving its carefully constructed deal with some major structural weaknesses.

Portugal Finance Minister's new job in Brussels

alberquerqueMaria Luís Albuquerque, Portugal’s Finance Minister, is the hot favourite to become a European Commissioner.

Albuquerque’s name has been sent to Brussels and she is widely tipped to take up the post.

Madeiran Regional Government award contract to itself

maderira4709An ‘international tender’ for the establishment of a Network of Private Communications for the Regional Government of Madeira, has been awarded to a company that is owned by the island's regional government which has been led by the controversial politician Alberto João Cardoso Gonçalves Jardim since 1978.

The contract was awarded to EMACOM-Telecommunications Madeira Unipessoal Lda, according to a resolution spotted in the Official Journal of the autonomous region.

Which? exposes duplicitous “special offers”

sainsburysWhich? has accused Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s of misleading their customers by creating “special offers” which are no offers at all.

All three retailers were found to discount products and leave them at a lower price for a far longer period than they were at the original price.

Employers leave blame game to help young people to work

barclays2The mentality of employers in the UK towards youth employment has improved in the space of a few years.

Employers are now helping to tackle the problem of youth unemployment instead of casting blame on “clueless” school leavers.

Tea wars: pyramid wins

teabagPyramid shaped tea bags are superior to other types, according to the Advertising Standards Agency.

The British agency has ruled that it is the pyramid bag which is more effective in that it allows the leaves to better infuse the tea.