
Tesco to create 4,000 new houses

tescoSupermarket giant Tesco is to use some of its undeveloped land in the UK for 4,000 houses instead of supermarkets.

The retailer has reduced its plans to expand in the UK, where it is estimated to own a landbank large enough to allow for 15,000 houses.

Another cash injection for Monarch Airlines

monarchMonarch Airlines, along with its group companion Cosmos Holidays, are believed to have received an injection of £60 million.

This will be the third time in five years that Swiss billionaires have recapitalised the business. In 2009 £45 million was injected, followed two years later by £75 million.

Faro's mayor wants more hotels, but are they the answer?

faro2The Mayor of Faro Rogério Bacalhau claims that the Faro region, and most importantly its capital, does not have enough hotel space to accommodate the number of tourists that he would like to see in the regional capital.

"We have a problem in the city, the problem is a lack of beds. We have a landmark hotel, but the other hotels we have are old, they do their job and are adequate but we can not accommodate large groups coming to town," claims Bacalhau.

Algarve tree replanting scheme blighted by bureaucracy

fireTavira and São Brás councils have reported that there have been hardly any new trees planted after the devastating fires of 2012.

Over 24,000 hectares were affected in one of the worst fires ever seen in the eastern region of the Algarve and the government pledged money for rebuilding affected properties and to set up a support system for those wanting to replant trees.

Extensive 'illegal foreigners' operation expels 3 crew

olhaoportThe Algarve’s Borders and Foreigners Service have been checking up on owners and crew of boats moored in havens across the Algarve region.

The SEF management announced that its men inspected 50 boats and checked the documents of 80 foreigners.

Barlavento hospital punch-up over death of 85-year old

barlaventohospitalA punch-up at Portimão’s Barlavento Hospital has been taken up by MPs who have asked the Ministry of Health for some clarification.

The fight broke out between two nurses and a Spanish doctor who was accused by the nurses of refusing to help save an elderly woman, who died.

30% of guesthouse owners caught in tax evasion sting

hotellevanteOperation ‘Best Holidays’ is an all out assault on the accommodation sector at its busiest time of the year as tax inspectors across the country, most especially in tourism hotspots such as the Algarve, have been told to concentrate on un-invoiced income by tracing bookings made online.

The 'Best Holidays' operation was tested before national launch with 80 tourist accommodation establishments being tracked and where 30% were found to not to have put all income through the books, primarily from bookings made through third party websites.

BES parent seeks insolvency deal in Luxembourg

besEspírito Santo International has submitted a 'controlled management' application to the Luxembourg financial authorities to shield the holding company from creditors.

This application was delivered at the close of business today, Friday 18th July 2014.