
US reverts to Wild West

gunA judge in Washington DC has ordered the city officials to permit people to carry handguns openly displayed, “ready to use” in public.

DC has instituted a complete ban on carrying handguns in public, sensible you might think, but the court found that the ban was unconstitutional.

UK pays for nuclear dump volunteers

englandThe British government’s search for a nice place to dump nuclear waste is now coming with hefty grants of free money.

The waste could remain radioactive for 100,000 years.

Identity of collision ship still a mystery

coleyachtdumplingHaving had to abandon his 11-metre ketch Dumpling after a collision with a huge white vessel the size of an oil tanker or container ship three weeks ago, single-handed yachtsman Nick Cole has learned that his badly damaged and disabled boat has been located and towed back to Madeira.

The Portuguese authorities have identified two white vessels that were in the collision area at the time, but the Falmouth Coastguard has refused to divulge the names because it is “commercially sensitive.”

Loulé mayor shows some balls over EN125 mish-mash

4812At long last one of the Algarve’s mayors has had the cojones to point out that the Algarve public has been duped over the tolls and the EN125 redevelopment.

Loulé mayor Vítor Aleixo accused Estradas de Portugal of cheating the Algarve “with the announcement that the redevelopment of the EN125 would be resumed, since the work as scheduled will not benefit the region.”

Meco beach drownings were accidental

mecobeachThe enquiry into the death of six students at Meco beach last December has concluded it was just an accident and the drownings can not be blamed on the sole survivor, João Gouveia.

The case was filed yesterday by the prosecutor but, as expected, the lawyer representing the grief stricken families of the victims, Vitor Ribeiro Parente, already has said that as soon as this decision is officially recorded he will appeal.

British recovery has price tag

imfThe British people and certainly their government may sigh with relief after the International Monetary Fund said that the UK has the fastest growing economy out of all the major developed countries.

The IMF expects Britain to grow faster than the US, Germany, France, Canada and other nations. As a result, the agency has increased its forecast for UK growth to 3.2% in 2015.

Virgin repays the Treasury

britishmoneyVirgin Money is to repay the £150 million financing package it got when it purchased failed Northern Rock two years ago.

The run on Northern Rock in August 2007 was the start of the financial crisis in Britain. The Newcastle-based lender was nationalised in February 2008 with a £1.4bn bail-out.

Heathrow will drop more staff unless it gets new runway

baHeathrow airport has had to axe 150 head office staff so far this year and threatens that more jobs will go unless it has approval for a new runway.

Now a pay deal has been struck with 5,000 of its 7,000 workforce for pay increases which are below the rate of inflation. It is believed the deal will save Heathrow £30 million.