
IMF representative had to pay to get in Portugal

imfIn an event of almost supreme irony the IMF representative Subir Lall was denied entry into Portugal when he flew in on Sunday as his Visa was valid only from Monday.

Lall clearly wanted to get an early start for the round of Troika meetings this week but his Sunday arrival at Lisbon airport caused a degree of embarrassment as officials relived him of €90 before allowing early entry.

Court of Auditors to review the Miró contract

miroThe contract between the state-owned company Parvalorem and Christie's auction house for the sale of the Miró collection now has been received at the Court of Auditors.

According to the communication office of the Court, the contract which contains a confidentiality clause as insisted on by the auction house, "was referred to the Court and was received on Monday."

Rivals hit back at rental agency Airbnb

apartmentsAirbnb, loved by property renters and owners, is attracting a hefty share of criticism from its rivals who claim its operation is illegal.

In its five years of existence, its users have organised 11 million stays in 35,000 locations in 192 countries.

Chinese queue for Christianity

churchChina is on course to overtake other nations for the number of Christians living in the communist country.

It already has more Christian churchgoers than most European countries.

McDonald's faces slump

mcdonaldsThe world's largest fast food chain, McDonald's, is struggling to keep on top of its game.

Sales in the US took a knock when sales fell during the first three months of 2013. The drop of 1.7% was more than had been predicted.

Olhão - 3.3 magnitude earthquake

olhaoportAn earthquake of magnitude 3.3 on the Richter scale was felt on Monday in the Olhão area and was registered by Mainland Seismic Network stations at 18.40, according to the Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere.

Portugal is the ‘best place to visit by aeroplane’

airbusPortugal has been voted the ‘Best Holiday Destination for Aviation’ among 25 European countries competing in the Zoover Awards, according to Turismo de Portugal.

The awards are divided into categories such as destinations, tourist attractions and accommodation. The country earned a score of 9.12 on a scale of 0 to 10.

Further blow to Beja's forgotten airport

airplaneThe commencement of weekly charter flights between Paris and Beja airport in Portugal’s Alentejo region has been postponed.

The plan to carry French tourists to and from the region may still go ahead in May this year according to the French-owned airports operator ANA which is in charge of Beja airport.