Eurozone interest rate lowered

Eurozone interest rate dropThe interest rate in the eurozone has been slashed to 0.25%, taking the markets by surprise.

The rate, set by the European Central Bank, is a new low and applies to its central, or main refinancing, rate.

Driverless cars arrive in Britain

Milton KeynesDriverless cars are to be introduced on the streets of Milton Keynes by 2015.

Twenty trial pods will run on lanes which have been separated from pedestrian traffic.

New initiative for the Algarve's railway line

Algarve's old train servicePortugal’s parliament has passed a resolution that ‘recommends’ that the Government proceeds with the refurbishment and electrification of the Algarve railway line.

The resolution was published today in the Official Gazette, but the detail contains not a word on the electrification of the line or the long overdue renovation of tracks and stations.

Algarve cuts unemployment, then piles it on again

Unemployment drops in the AlgarveUnemployment levels fell in all regions of the country, with the exception of the Azores, in the third quarter compared to the previous quarter, with the Algarve, Madeira and Lisbon registering significant falls.

According to figures released this morning by the National Statistics Institute the overall unemployment rate in Portugal was 15.6% in the third quarter, 0.8% below the previous quarter and down 0.2 points in same period in 2012.


Offshore drilling linked to Algarve earthquakes

Oilrigs off the Algarve soonA disturbing report by Algarve based eco-association ASMAA states that the Algarve is at an increased risk of earthquakes due to drilling activity in the search for offshore gas.

"The Algarve’s offshore areas are 'geologically fragile' and substantial gas extraction is now known to initiate earthquakes," according to eco-conservationist Laurinda Seabra.

"In an unstable area such as the sea around the SW coasts of Portugal, where much tension may have been built up since the earthquake of 1755, such earthquakes may trigger a much larger catastrophic earthquake. I suggest that more attention is given to these very important facts," according to expert Eng. Anthonie van den Brink.

Portugal's banks give more loans

Housing lending rises steadilyThe headline many thought never to see – Portugal’s banks are at last loosening their purse strings and lending to home buyers, but only on their terms and only at a steady pace.

The granting of mortgages in fact has been increasing throughout 2013 from €132 million in February to €185 million in July but these amounts are nowhere near the heady years of easy credit when between 2002 and 2007 banks were throwing money, between €1.2 and €1.8 billion a year, into a housing market that was rising rapidly and which ended rather abruptly with the financial crash.

Portugal’s cautious consumers avoid spending

Retail therapy not workingRetail sales in Portugal fell by 6% compared to August, but this was the first drop in the last six months.

Nevertheless, retail sales for 2013 so far are lower than purchases made in 2012.

Ryanair: cheap deals and new routes

Ryanair cheap dealsThe airline announced nine new routes, including Lisbon, which will operate this winter out of Stansted airport.

Now there will be flights to Comiso in Sicily, Fez and Rabat in Morocco, Ostrava in the Czech Republic, Germany’s Nuremberg and Dortmond France’s Bordeaux and Strasbourg.