
Portugal President's serene message to doubters

Cavaco SilvaPortugal’s president says we should look at Ireland’s economic performance and its successful conclusion to the Troika’s economic regulation, and he refuses to call early elections because Portugal first has to become a "normal country" again.

Cavaco Silva said that it was not the Troika that made Portugal slip in the ranking of ‘ease of doing business’ in a report released yesterday to the annoyance of Portugal’s leadership.

Government to control Portugal's pets

Pet control a messTo promote 'responsible pet keeping' the government wants a maximum of two dogs per household, unless you have posh Portuguese pedigree dogs when you can house up to ten.

In "urban buildings and houses without street access" it could soon be illegal to own more than two dogs or four cats. Four pets will be the limit, ten if you are a breeder as above.

Pine Cliffs on the shortlist for top Condé Nast Johansens award

Algarve offers so much moreA total of 9 Portuguese hotels are final nominees for the Condé Nast Excellence Awards this year, including 'Algarve Pine Cliffs Terraces and Villas.'

Vidago Palace is nominated for the award for new or renovated hotels. The best luxury apartment category is headed by the Algarve's very own  Algarve Pine Cliffs Terraces and Villas.

Business start ups increase as closures and insolvencies fall

New businessesIn the year to the end of September 27,318 companies were set up in Portugal, 16.4% more than a year ago.

According to the D&B Business Barometer in the third quarter of 2013 there was a 12.2% increase in business creations and a welcome decline in closures (-18 %) and in insolvencies (-6.4 %) compared to the same quarter of 2012.

British farmland rockets in value

Farmland price rocketsThe staggering price of property in central London has been outstripped by that of farmland in the UK.

The cost of prime arable land rose by nearly 11% to £7,594 an acre last year.

French move to Sunday shopping

France moves with the times...French DIY stores look set to be able to open on Sunday, after a landmark ruling by the appeal court in Paris.

The decision to allow two popular chains near Paris, LeRoy Merlin and Castorama, to trade on Sunday will add to the existing debate in the country over its strict opening times.

New electric bike to hit market

New bike hits the marketA revolutionary new electric bicycle is due to hit British bike ways next summer.

The Jive Bike is the first of its kind and was the inspired idea of a Polish postgraduate student at University College London.

Portugal slides in 'ease of doing business' world rankings

Doing Buisness 2014According to the report, ‘Doing Business 2014," Portugal has moved from 29th place to 31st in an evaluation of 189 developed countries of the ease of setting up a company, funding it and doing business.

Singapore, Hong Kong and New Zealand lead the global ranking in the section for ease of starting a business. Next in the top 10 are the United States, Denmark, Malaysia, South Korea, Georgia, Norway and the UK.