Ricardo Salgado's cousin goes under - owing over €14 million

BurstoffA cousin of the former BES boss, Ricardo Salgado, has gone bust after a Luxembourg creditor called in its loan.

Sintra Commercial Court has ruled that António Ricardo Espírito Santo Bustorff is totally insolvent, with debts exceeding €14 million owed to seven creditors, among them the Tax Office, Novo Banco, SLF Holding and Haitong-Bank, formerly BES Investments.

Beja locals slam Montijo airport project as a waste of money

bejaCouncilllors and local businessmen in the Baixo Alentejo area have criticised the millions of euros that are to be spent to develop Montijo Air Force base as a civilian airport, claiming the Beja airport is not the white elephant everyone seems to think it is.

Jorge Rosa, the president of the Baixo Alentejo Intermunicipal Community, said that the money that will be spent at Montijo, if it goes ahead, is an investment that is, "completely out of the question, it is out of date."

Two missing Portuguese are found - one alive and one dead

questionThe Portuguese authorities are certain that a corpse found on Saturday in the ​​Valencia de Alcántara area of Spain, is that of an elderly woman who had been missing since August.

The Alzheimer's sufferer was from the neighbouring municipality of Marvão in the district of Portalegre.

GALP scraps Aljezur oil drilling project

OilReferendumSMALLOil company GALP and its partner, ENI,  have withdrawn plans to drill off Aljezur in a decision that marks a turning point, with the government finally positioned to pay more than lip-service to its international carbon reduction and green energy obligations.

Environmental organisation, Zero, considers today’s announcement a huge victory for the region's population, the Algarve’s mayors, businessmen and those environmental groups which have been instrumental in changing public opinion and fighting hard to keep the oil companies away from the region's pristine beaches.

Foaming Tejo river pollution clean-up cost taxpayers €1.7 million

TejoFoamIf the Public Prosecution service ever works out who caused the pollution in the Tejo near the Abrantes reservoir, where a sea of foam received national media attention this January, the Ministry of the Environment says it will send them a bill for €700,000 to help pay for the clean-up operation.

The cleaning of the Tejo cost taxpayers €1.7 million, "one million went on equipment €700,000 was for labour for the removal of 90,000 m3 of mud - we will do everything to recover this money," said the Minister of Environment and Energy Transition, João Matos Fernandes.

ANA landing fee spat reaches Brussels

vinciThe International Airports Council in Europe has challenged a complaint to Brussels, submitted by two disgruntled associations, about excessive Lisbon airport charges, calling the claims "false" and unfounded.

At issue is a complaint lodged with the European Commission on 4 October by Airlines for Europe (A4E) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA), following the sale of Aeroportos de Portugal (ANA) to the French company Da Vinci.

Environmental group pushes for full study at Montijo airport site


The Minister of Environment and Energy Transition said that the airport planned for the Montijo Air Force base, "does not require a Strategic Environmental Assessment."

This is contrary to informed opinion of the environmental association, Zero, which says that an assessment is required when deciding when there is a choice of locations.

Loulé cement plant sold in deal with Turkish pension fund

cimporThe CIMPOR cement plant near Loulé has been sold to a Turkish conglomerate, owned by the Armed Forces pension fund.

Ordu Yardımlaşma Kurumu (OYAK) has agreed to buy all of CIMPOR’s assets in Portugal and Cape Verde, leaving CIMPOR’s cement production businesses in Latin America and Africa in the hand of the Brazilian group, InterCement.