Algarve powers ahead in development of algae biotechnology

algaeThe Foundation for Science and Technology has named GreenCoLab as a 'Collaborative Laboratory' to spearhead exciting developments with algae.

The new research lab was proposed by the Center for Marine Sciences at the Algarve University to promote marine biotechnology and delve into the mysteries of algae and how it can help mankind in so many ways.

Rates bills to increases twelve-fold for empty houses

oportoThe Government plans to allow municipalities to jack-up council tax bills for buildings that have been left unoccupied.

The Municipal Property Tax (IMI) rate can be raised for those houses deemed to be vacant "for more than two years, located in areas of urban pressure."

EDP allowed to charge customers for storm-damaged network

edpPylonCustomers without power, due to a collapse in the supply system as Hurricane Leslie swept though central Portugal last weekend, can be billed for the repairs.

The law states that electricity network repair costs can be charged to consumers.

Bathing season death toll at Algarve beaches: one tourist

beachalbandeiraThe Algarve’s roads may have born witness to above average road accident fatalities this year but the beaches have remained relatively safe havens.

During the official bathing season, which ran between May 1 and October 15, the national figure for fatal incidents at Portuguese beaches was 11, according to the National Maritime Authority.

Algarve Cooking Vacations wins Italian food and travel award

vegThe fledgling 'Algarve Cooking Vacations' scheme has won 'Best Project in 2018' in the International Brand category at the 2018 Travel Food Awards organised by the Italian Tourism Press Association.

"This recognition comes at the right moment as the Algarve’s tourist authority has just presented a study that calls for the creation of culinary and wine tourism routes in the Algarve. It is really very gratifying when we see our work valued by an external and independent body. It is a team project, a partnership with many people involved and for this they are all to be congratulated," said the new head of the tourist board, João Fernandes.

National earthquake training day - 'down, under and wait'

earthquakeChartThe Council Civil Protection Service in Albufeira has linked up with the National Civil Protection Authority to carrying out some basic earthquake practice.

Terra Treme,’ is part of a national strategy for civil protection with a nationwide exercise taking place on November 5th, at 11:05 which, coincidentally, is International Tsunami Day.

'Prostitution is not work' claim 3,00 petitioners

prostituteMore than 3,000 people have signed a public petition that today was presented to parliament, arguing that "prostitution is not work."

The petitions agree that prostitution is, "a form of exploitation that subverts the social status and rights of all women," and that, "prostitution is a form of violence against prostituted persons, particularly against women and children."

State accepts that Culatra Island properties legally exist

CulatraDocapescaIn a life-altering move for many islanders, the government has recognised the 'fishing nucleus of Culatra' as a real place and now part of Faro Council’s union of parishes.

In a statement posted on the Diário da República website (n.º 198/2018, 2º Suplemento, Série I de 2018-10-15) the government has taken note of the islanders’ claims to a quiet life and the right to continue to live in houses that many of them were born in.