88-year-old car driver injured in Portimão railway accident

trainAn 88-year-old man was injured when his car was hit by a train at a level crossing in Portimão.

The accident happened early on Saturday afternoon with an alert received by emergency services at 13.37.

Altice continues to object to posting telecoms invoices free of charge

alticeLogoThe Netherlands based telecoms operator, Altice, has criticized Portugal’s telecommunications regulatory body’s decision that the company may not charge customers for sending invoices through the post.

Regulator, Anacom, has stated that paper invoices must be issued free of charge and has issued instructions on the level of detail and information that needs to be included on all invoices.

TAP targets ‘ignorant Americans’

tap2Portugal is being promoted as a stop-off destination for US travellers on the way to Spain, France and Italy, in a publicity campaign running in parts of the US.

Marketing expert, Ana Paula Cruz, commented, “...the Americans also have some ignorance regarding the European market,” and may confuse Portugal with Spain or not really know where the country is.

Destoyer of Lagoa's unique wetland moves into cybersecurity market

sonaeRetail and property group, Sonae is creating a European cybersecurity group.

Sonae, best known for its Continente supermarket chain, has merged two Spanish cybersecurity companies in a move to focus on the cyber security market.

PALP uses Aarhus Convention complaint to challenge oil drilling decision

oilrigatseaAnti-oil and gas exploration association, PALP, has made a formal complaint to the Compliance Committee of the Aarhus Convention.

This body verifies the conformity of EU State procedures with various international Directives and Conventions that all member states must follow.

Number of Algarve's 'zero pollution' beaches more than halves in two years

beachalbandeiraThe Algarve region has 11 ‘Zero Pollution' beaches, a categorisation awarded by environmental association, ZERO, which has analysed water samples from Portugal's tourist beaches in each of the last three years.

Tavira has three such beaches, as does Aljezur which faces exploratory oil and gas drilling late this summer.

Portuguese military accused of “crimes against humanity” in Central African Republic

Portuguese military accused of “crimes against humanity” in Central African RepublicThe UN mission in the Central African Republic (CAR) is becoming increasingly complicated after various street protests which have accused Portuguese paratroopers and Ruandan military of “crimes against humanity”.

Says Observador, repeated references to “massacre” were used by protestors calling for the withdrawal of Portuguese military currently station in CAR.

Wandering Lynx recaptured from Barcelona hideaway

Wandering Lynx recaptured from Barcelona hideawayThe incredible journey of ‘Lítio the wandering lynx’ has, for now, come to an end.

The young feline is back at a Spanish wildlife centre after having roamed over 1,100 kms from the Algarve’s Guadiana valley, all the way to the outskirts of Barcelona (click here).