Former Aljezur mayor gets new job

AmarelinhoThe former mayor of Aljezur, José Amarelinho, has secured the newly-created position as secretary general of the Terras do Infante Association of Municipalities.

This association is a partnership of western Algarve councils, Lagos, Vila do Bispo and Aljezur, with Amarelinho’s appointment marking the first time the organisation has had a dedicated leader.

Portugal deterring Doctors from non-EU countries

11427Doctors from outside the EU are waiting years to get their qualifications recognised by Portugal's University Medical Schools, an essential step before they can join the Ordem de Médicos and practice in Portugal.

The Ordem dos Médicos is keen to have new members who, it says, can start to fill the yawning gaps in the National Health Service, particularly in the Algarve, the islands and inland regions.

National scrub clearance project - many land owners can not be identified

forrestOn Friday, June 1st, the GNR are empowered to impose fines on property owners who have not cleared their land of scrub – if the owners can be identified.

The president of the National Federation of Forest Owners' Associations agrees the work needs to be done to reduce the fire risk but, "much, much remains to be done," mostly on land where the owners live far away or where nobody knows who the owners are.”

Invalidity benefit scam – Doctors charged €3,000 a time to sign false reports

11446Three doctors are being tried for defrauding the State by signing false clinical reports to enable patients to receive invalidity pensions.

The scheme had cost taxpayers at least €39,000 before it was uncovered.

Dodgy EDP support scheme - Committee calls Barroso, Sócrates and Passos Coelho

edpThe parliamentary committee, established to look into the hundreds of millions of taxpayer euros that have been handed over to EDP as part of the dodgy CMEC deal, has published the list of people from whom it wants to hear evidence.

The Left Bloc has submitted a request that the committee calls all the prime ministers since and including Durão Barroso but excluding the current PM, António Costa.

Quelfes - fatal ultralight accident - pilot and aircraft were unlicensed

INEM125The British trainee pilot who died in October 2017 after his ultralite aircraft crashed near Quelfes, Olhão, was not authorised to fly in Portugal, nor was the aircraft that took off from an unlicensed runway.

The stark conclusions are contained in accident report now published by Portugal’s air accident inspectorate, GPIAAF.

Teenager plunges to his death from Praia da Luz clifftop

praiadaluzA 16-year-old teenager, thought to be Portuguese, plunged to his death from the Rocha Negra cliff to the east of Praia da Luz, in Lagos.

The only witness was a girl who was with him on the clifftop who raised the alarm at around 7.00 pm on Tuesday evening after the 100 metre fall.

Architect chosen for Resistance and Freedom Museum in Peniche fortress

salazarportraitThe foreboding prison fortress in Peniche, closed down at dawn on April 27th 1974, is a step closer to being turned into a museum so that, "new generations should not forget."
A €3.4 million spend was agreed in April and the winner of the architectural competition now has been announced.