
Government accused of lying over Novo Banco guarantees

moneydownthedrainCDS-PP Vice-President, Cecília Meireles, said that "the problem with the Novo Banco sale, negotiated by the current Government, is that a blanket public guarantee was being negotiated."
The CDS-PP stated  today that the government's assurances that the sale of Novo Banco would have "no impact on the public accounts or on taxpayers" were "not true" as can be seen by the fallout after yesterday’s announcement of a €1.4 billion loss at the now privately owned bank.

Catastrophe avoided - water levels in Alentejo dams save regional agriculture

santaclaradamThe highest rainfall for nearly 20 years has restored water levels in the dams of the Alentejo and prevented a "catastrophe" for farmers but this water must be "used efficiently," warns the Portuguese Environment Agency.
"It was a blessing that fell from the sky" and, "at this moment, water availability is greater for agriculture, but not unlimited," said André Matoso, director of the Alentejo Hydrographic Regional Administration.

GNR and Guardia Civil focus on Monte Gordo the Easter

GuadiaCivilTraficoPortugal GNR and Spain’s Guardia Civil are joining forces for 'Operation Easter.'
GNR patrols from Tavira will be working alongside officers from the Guardia Civil on March 30 and April 1, focusing on the Monte Gordo area.

Desidério Silva challenged for Algarve tourism's top job

desideriosilvaThe Algarve's socialists are to put forward a candidate to challenge Desidério Silva who seeks to have his 5 year mandate extended as president of the regional tourist board.
Regional newspaper, Barlavento, has suggested Paulo Neves (who already has held the position), Fernando Anastácio and João Fernandes but no selection has yet been made to challenge Silva.

Brazilian virtual reality company chooses Faro as potential European base

VirtualRealityA virtual reality company based in Brazil has announced its intention to install a production unit, a research centre and an electronic gaming arena in Faro.
The president of Motion Sphere said that the production unit, still at an embryonic stage, could involve an initial investment of €3 €3 million and the creation of 15 to 20 jobs to build 20 to 30 virtual reality spheres in year one. 

Kamov maintenance hangar sealed off by Civil Protection Authority

KamovHelicopterThe Civil Protection Authority has been accused of closing down the Kamov helicopter maintenance area at Ponte de Sor and kicking out the Russian engineers.
On Tuesday, "The National Civil Protection Authority closed down and sealed the facilities where the Kamov helicopters are being stored and expelled the Russian teams that were servicing the aircraft," states Everjets. 

Violent crime decreases but arson and ATM crime on the up

burglaryThe Annual Internal Security Report for 2017 recorded a 3.3% increase in general crime but a welcome  8.7% decrease in violent and serious crime.
Fake currency, forest fires and a rise in internet fraud contributed to a 3.3% increase in crime last year, according to the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Storm Irene to ruin Easter - Algarve escapes the worst

RainLogoA new storm is on its way with a dramatic change in the weather over the next few days.
The pattern of the coming storm is the same as the one in March, with depressions and cold fronts crossing the mainland.