SEF announces strike from Tuesday

SEFThe Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) has announced a strike from Tuesday, March 27, until Thursday, March 29, in protest against the "chaotic situation" that exists in the service.
The strike information was announced by Sinsef - the Union of Employees of the SEF - which accuses management of "absurd administrative policies."

Flying Doctors earning €2,400 per weekend in the Algarve

baby2012Such is the staffing chaos within the Algarve’s National Health Service, doctors are flying down from the north on Friday evenings, to work 24 or 48 hours in the Algarves’ maternity wards.

Attracted by pay of €50 per hour, pediatricians and obstetricians from other regions of the country have been covering for gaps in local staffing. 

Second airport for Lisbon remains a distant dream

airplaneDespite last year’s four critical trigger points being hit at Lisbon’s Humberto Delgado airport, creating conditions of urgency for added capacity and a new airport to serve the capital, only now has an order been published in Diário da República to start the process.
ANA deliberately has dithered, according to Ryanair’s combative boss, as it is earning so much from the fully depreciated infrastructure at Humberto Delgado airport, it is no hurry to spend money on converting the neraby Montijo military airbase into to a fully functioning civilian airport - by 2022.

Caixa Geral's €4 billion bailout pushes 2017 deficit to 3%

caixageral2The impact of the taxpayer bailout of State-owned bank, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, (CGD), has been revealed.
Without the recapitalisation of the ailing bank, last year’s deficit would have been an enviable 0.9% of Gross Domestic Product.

PM leads national forest clean-up operation

CostaFireWatchPortugal’s Prime Minster led a land clearance assault force of about two dozen members of his Government on Saturday.
Launching a major forest clean-up campaign, that covered districts from the north to south of the country, Costa chose the Algarve for his photo opportunity, pictured here with Loulé mayor, Vitor Aleixo.

Two jailed for Guia pensioner's murder

justicePortimão criminal court judges have handed down sentences of 20 and 18 years to the murderers of Álvaro Paderna in Guia last year.
A  21-year-old woman and a 53-year-old man have been found guilty of murder and theft on the night of February 6th, 2017, in Guia, Albufeira.

Tavira expats living in fear of further attacks

OilBombVineyA well-respected British couple has been subjected to two unwarranted attacks on their Quinta de Perogil villa and now are living in fear that further oil bombs will be hurled at their pristine Tavira property.
Twice this month, the front of the Viney's property, within hurling distance of the road, has been vandalised by oil bombs, ruining the paintwork and the Santa Catarina tiled terrace.

Inebriated TAP co-pilot leaves passengers stranded in Germany

taplogoTAP management has apologised to passengers that have been stranded at a German airport since Friday night after flight TP253 was cancelled due to an inebriated co-pilot.
Shortly before the TAP flight was due to take off at 18:50 from Stuttgart to Lisbon on Friday night, an airport employee noticed the 40-year-old co-pilot, "reeking of alcohol and walking in an unsteady fashion," as he prepared to board the aeroplane.