Olive oil producers in booming market

olivesThe extent of Portugal’s resurgence in agriculture is evident when looking at the figures announced today by the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Food, Luís Medeiros Vieira.
Exports of olive oil reached €496 million last year, creating a surplus of €150 million as production has quadrupled in the past decade.

Parliament passes new laws for app-based transport services

ubertaxiThe government finally has approved a law that regulates the activity of the new wave of personal transport companies, such as Uber and cabify, despite the Left Bloc’s enduring objections.
The law now goes to the president for signature, or rejection. All being well, the app-based transport service will have an operational legal framework in place by the summer.

Lisbon bridge repair project to cost taxpayers €20.5 million

BridgeDetailThe serious state of Lisbon’s iconic road and rail bridge now is evident as the government has released a tender for work costing taxpayers a total of €20.5 million.
The document, released by Infraestruturas de Portugal, has a deadline of 720 days for the completion of the project to bring the structure back up to scratch.

Sócrates legal team wants wire-tap recordings dismissed as evidence

socratesNow that the José Sócrates legal team has digested the news that judge Carlos Alexandre will remain in charge of the prosecution of the former PM, despite efforts to have him removed, it has lodged a complaint that the phone tap recordings offered as evidence in the Operation Marquês case, are "inaudible and worthless."
The Sócrates legal team claims that the recordings are "infected by malicious viruses" and are recorded on a technology that allows them easily to be tampered with.

More rain on its way this weekend

rainThis March has been the wettest for nearly 20 years - and it’s about to get wetter as the southern section of 'depression Hugo' hits Portugal over the weekend.
High seas,  winds gusting to 80 kmph and plenty of rain is forecast, worse in the north than the south as Hugo is heading from the Azores to Galicia - but rain is expected across the mainland until Sunday with the Algarve missing the worst..

Golden Visa programme "should be suspended"

GoldenVisaAmid further observations as to the lack on monitoring and control over Portugal's Golden Visa programme, 'Transparency and Integrity' has called for its suspension, claiming that the poorly run scheme is an open door to money laundering and organised crime.
‘Transparência e Integridade’, the Portuguese affiliate of Transparency International, today denounced what it considers the most obvious risks of the Golden Visa scheme, these being; money laundering, organised crime, the financing of terrorism and tax evasion and the fact the government seems unwilling to enable some open discussion. 

Walk across the water to Spain at the Alcoutim Smugglers' Festival

alcoutimThe Alcoutim Smuggling Festival was such a  success last year that the councils again is linking with its Spanish neighbour to build a floating walkway across between Portugal and Spain.

The joint event, organised by Alcoutim council in partnership with Sanlúcar’s town hall, has the support of Turismo de Portugal, the Algarve’s tourist board and the 365 Algarve events programme.

Nigerian scammers operated from Lisbon

6208aA gang sending out Nigerian scam letters, aimed at victims in Germany, France, the Netherlands and Spain, were operating from Lisbon, until their arrests today.
The Judicial Police unit that combats cyber and technology crime (UNCT), launched an operation to dismantle a gang sending out so-called ‘Nigerian scam' letters and will be charging those involved with computer fraud, forgery of documents and money laundering.