Olhâo’s controversial 'riverfront remodelling' to start in October

olhaomarketThe controversial remodelling of Olhâo’s historic waterfront park and market area has been scheduled for October, after the summertime tourists have left.
According to a notice posted by the council, the Court of Auditors already has given its approval and Polis Litoral Ria Formosa has awarded the work, despite itself being closed down three years after its mandate should have ended.

Spain to thwart Brexit deal over Gibraltar claim

gibraltarYesterday’s agreement between the UK and Brussels to work within a 21 month Brexit transition period (HERE) may be scuppered by Spain which still wants Gibraltar and seeks major concessions in an effort to control this spec of British territory.

Madrid’s reaction to the withdrawal agreement which contains the timeline for the transition period, has been a threat to withhold support just days before the deal is due to be signed by EU member states as it wants a veto on Gibraltar enjoying the single market and customs union.

Pedrógão Grande council workers suspected in €30,000 theft

FireOctThree workers from the municipality of Pedrógão Grande, an area devastated by last year’s fires, were suspended today as part of an investigation into the diversion of at least €30,000 of council funds.
Two of the council workers subsequently were arrested and are being investigated for possible embezzlement following searches at the Pedrógão Grande council offices.

Aljezur mayor steps down

aljezuroilThe popular mayor of Aljezur, José Amarelinho, has stepped down after his various appeals against a court decision had been exhausted.
'This Decision is based on personal and family matters, as well as on circumstances known to the public in general, considering that this is the right and proper decision, irrespective of any steps taken or to be taken,' read a council statement.

Expansion of Portugal's sea area makes slow progress through UN

oceanThe government’s 2009 proposal to expand Portugal’s sea area by two million square kilometres is making slow, but steady, progress.

Oil exploration champion and Minister of the Sea, Ana Paula Vitorino, said today that the discussion at the UN on the Portuguese proposal is running as predicted but not to expect any news until at least 2020.

Current proposals would cause "the death of the Local Accommodation sector"

alAs the government working group tries to find a solution to the competing needs of those letting their properties to tourists and those that live nearby,  the head of Portugal’s estate agents’ association remains exasperated.
Luís Lima, the head of APEMIP, said today that the Left Bloc’s latest proposal, that Local Accommodation lettings must only be carried out at the domicile or fiscal residence of the holder of the Alojamento Local license, has left estate agents edging ever closer to a nervous breakdown.

Spring has sprung

springThe official start time was 16h15 on Tuesday afternoon. Spring has sprung in Portugal with lower than normal temperatures dropping further over the next two days. 
Spring arrives will start with a few days of sunshine, occasionally strong but always cold winds, with low temperatures throughout the country.

Off-season Algarve busier than ever

guadianaThe latest Algarve transport report shows that traffic on the Via do Infante motorway increased by 16.7% in the last quarter of 2017, compared to the same period in 2016, but offers no indication of how many of these additional journeys were due to the appalling state of the eastern section of the EN125.
Faro airport passenger numbers were up too, by 5.5% as the tourism boom continued into the low season.