EN125 emergency roadworks will cripple summertime traffic flow

roadworksAfter yesterday’s weak announcement that only €300,000 is to be spent on repairing the crumbling EN125 eastern section, the mayors of Castro Marim and Vila Real de Santo António met representatives from the Eastern EN125 Citizens' Movement and all agreed that the planned roadworks are a just window dressing and represent a lack of respect for the eastern Algarve population.
The Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins, announced on Monday that "emergency works" will be carried out, starting in the second half of May and that these will be concluded “before the summer.”

Portugal joins NATO’s Cyber Defence team

fibreopticNATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) is to include Portugal as a team member.

“We are glad to welcome Portugal, another strong NATO ally joining the Centre. CCDCOE offers a unique opportunity for all NATO Allies to practice together new interdisciplinary approaches in cyber defence," said Merle Maigre, the Centre’s director. 

New tourism chief criticises delay over Lisbon's second airport

jesus4892Consolidating 'the strength of tourism and preparing the sector for the future' is the stated mission of the Portuguese Tourism Confederation, the umbrella organisation for all the tourism business associations in the country.
The Confederation's new three-year board took office on Monday at a ceremony attended by the Prime Minister and other notable suits, at which the new president of the CTP listed several challenges for tourism which, "like all economic activities, is subject to cycles of prosperity, recession and recovery."

MPs can 'nearly double their salaries' with subsidies and allowances

parliamentMPs with homes outside Lisbon receive nearly double their salary in subsidies and allowances.

A daily attendance allowance of €69.19 for MPs outside Lisbon who quality if they are in parliament Tuesday to Thursday, a fixed monthly allowance of €376.32 to "contact the electorate" on Mondays, without needing to do so, two round trips per week to their declared home at €0.36 per kilometre are just some of the extra payments that boost MPs’ salaries.

Novo Banco coin collection on view - by appointment only

CoinCollectionNovo Banco and Lisbon’s Nova University have signed an agreement that decides the immediate future of a unique collection of Portuguese coins amassed by Banco Espírito Santo.
The 13,000 items that make up the coin collection are available for viewing, as of today, but only for those involved in academic projects who must agree that results of any research are available to both parties and that any future exhibitions will be run and promoted jointly by the bank and the University.

European unions meet to discuss Ryanair's treatment of cabin crew

airplane2Portugal’s National Union of Civil Aviation Flight Personnel (SNPVAC) is to hold a meeting in Lisbon on Tuesday, April 24th, bringing together various European Ryanair cabin crew union leaders  to discuss the airline’s lack of willingness to treat its workers fairly.
"The presence of representatives from trade unions from the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Germany already has been confirmed," said the Portuguese trade union, which will host the meeting.

Galp using its employees in tax fiddle

galpLogoGalp Energia, in addition to refusing to pay the statutory fuel company supplement tax and now owing the Treasury around €250 million, has been caught on the fiddle again.
A fiscal ruse, referred to in-house as a ‘flexi-scheme,’ has seen Galp employees putting the company’s Fiscal Identification Number on many of their personal purchases. The company later claims these sums as business expenses to reduce its tax payments.

EN125 eastern section - government allocates just €300,000 to patch up the road

EN125SuperBockThe government announced today that it is to spend €1 million patching up holes in the region’s poorest main roads, the EN125, EN124 and EN396, with just €300,000 allocated to the EN125' eastern section.
The Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins, announced the emergency spending today at a meeting in Faro with Algarve council leaders.