New European banking regulations are just 'non-binding expectations'

eurozoneBanks in Europe have got the upper hand in the regulation wars, aiming to leave EU citizens with the bill for years of poor judgement and non-performing loans.

These NPLs held by European banks total €759 billion, over 5% of all loans,  the banks want taxpayers to shoulder the burden.

"King of disguises" extradited to Portugal to complete 39 year sentence

justiceBrazil has extradited José Manuel Gomes Leonardo, to Portugal. The career criminal is guilty of kidnapping, robbery and drug trafficking.
By frequently changing his appearance and using false documents, the Portuguese national became known as the 'King of Disguises.'

Toys R Us declares insolvency in Portugal

ToysrUsHaving announced the closure of outlets in UK and the US, ToysRUs has declared insolvency in Portugal as it can not find a buyer for the business.
Toys R Us has applied to a Madrid court to close Toys R Us Iberia, although the company says it is still looking for a buyer, and "continues operations to try to ensure its viability in Portugal and Spain."

Cristiano Ronaldo faces jail over Spanish tax affairs

ronaldoSpain’s tax authority has rejected Cristiano Ronaldo's offer to regularise his tax situation so the €15 million case will proceed to court.
The Spanish Treasury will pursue its legal complaint against the famous footballer who is accused of tax fraud in the amount of €14.76 million relating to undeclared income from image rights between 2011 and 2014.

Summer fires report blames Civil Protection Authority for deaths

FireOctA report to be released tomorrow states that the three fires in the districts of Coimbra, Viseu and Guarda last October, had become uncontrollable in less time than the fire in Pedrógão Grande in June, where 67 people died.
This is one of the conclusions of the report of the Independent Technical Commission, appointed by parliament, which will be delivered to Government on Tuesday.

Climate change Portugal - no beaches, no tourists

hurricaneRajendra Kumar Pachauri, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winner,* said that the best way to deal with climate change is to involve young people, who he asked to plant trees, consume less and eat better as they are seen as  part of the solution, not the problem.
Portugal can alter drastically in the next 50 years as climate change is predicted to make the country dryer, affecting beaches, agriculture, fishing and even wine, warned Pachauri, speaking at the 'Climate Change: Preparing for the Future' conference in Estoril.

Lagos council auctions abandoned horses - minimum bid €10

horseLagos council says the horses it is auctioning off are the ones collected from public roads and whose carers did not come forward to claim them.
This collection scheme for wandering animals, carried out in collaboration with the GNR, is in a municipal regulation in force since 2016. (HERE)

Summer fires consumed 100,000 hectares more than officially stated

fireforestPortugal’s Institute of Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF) downplayed the total area of land that had been consumed in last summer’s fires when the European Commission issued a figure of 560,000 hectares.

In 2017, the ICNF stated that 442,000 hectares had been consumed, a figure that has now been restated, showing Portugal’s assessment was far lower than the stark reality.