Mario Centeno odds-on to get job as 'Eurogroup President'

MinisterCentenoFinanceFormal applications have been submitted by four candidates, all of whom want the chairmanship of the Eurogroup.

Finance ministers from Latvia, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Portugal all want to be the one to replace Jeroen Dijsselbloem as head of the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers.

PAN calls for animal ban in Portugal's circuses

lionCircusThe one-man PAN party wants to ban all animals from circus performances in Portugal

Parliament will discuss MP André Silva’s proposal on 21 December, with the party also pushing for prosecution for those who continue to flout current animal protection laws relating to circus animals.

EU proposal to block cash withdrawals when banks look shaky

eurozoneThe safety threshold that protects bank customers’ cash when banks go bust is under threat from Brussels.

The first €100,000 of a customer’s savings currently is protected across the European Union if the bank gets into trouble.

Christmas - largest ever Vila Real nativity scene opens

Vila Real de Santo António giant Nativity scene in 2013 (Photo by Portugal Resident) The giant Christmas nativity scene in Vila Real de Santo António returns for the 15th year and is going for a record with 5,000 figures on display.

This must be the largest scene in the country, it fills an entire hall, and uses 20 tons of sand, four tons of stone powder and 2,500 kilos of cork, according to the council.

Albufeira council starts annual 'pine processionary caterpillar' purge

processionarySmallAlbufeira council has started its annual campaign to prevent and control Thaumetopoea pityocampa, commonly known as the pine processionary caterpillar, which nests in pine trees.

The council initiative involves informing locals as to the dangers posed by the caterpillars and is carried out each autumn in order to prevent the formation of nests.

Dylan to play Lisbon

DylanThe legendary American musician will be back in Portugal next March for a performance at the Altice Arena in Lisbon.

Tickets for the March 22nd concert by ‘Bob Dylan and his Band’ will be on sale from December 1st and are priced at between €39 and €240.

Museu Berardo receives another €2.1 million though foundation owes almost €1 billion

JoeBerardoIt is among the 100 most visited art museums in the world - yet earlier this year word ‘on the street’ was that its works were about to be ‘seized’ by some of the country’s leading banks.

The reason: its founder Madeiran businessman José “Joe” Berardo and his various companies owe them massive amounts of money.

Lagos Academy of Music under investigation for fraud

violinIt is one of the seaside town’s much-loved ‘mascots’, but according to reports this week, Lagos Academy of Music is under investigation for fraud.

Its president of the board has already been made an official suspect over the alleged claiming of “more than €139,000” in State subsidies for fictitious pupils, says Público.