Algarve University researcher wins award for breast cancer research

UniCancerAwardA research prize has been awarded to Ana Fernandes, a key researcher at the genome cancer research unit at the University of the Algarve.

The research team is led by Dra Ana Teresa Maia at the Biomedicine Research Centre, who was delighted to see Fernandes awarded the annual Basic Research Award by the Portuguese Society of Human Genetics, for the researher's work in the area of ​​human genetics.

Portugal importing more and more hazardous waste for 'processing'

landfill2Portugal processes around 520,000 tonnes of hazardous waste per year, most of it imported from other EU countries.

Continuing its traditional role as a dumping ground for European waste products, Portugal imported significantly more waste last year than the year before, and handled effluent sludge, generally containing heavy metals, combustion residues, incineration plant ash, chemical waste, urban waste such as batteries, electrical goods such as air conditioners and refrigerators, thermometers and light bulbs.

Tsunami early warning system launched in Lisbon

earthquakePortugal’s Minister of the Sea said the new early warning system for tsunamis, that now has been installed in Lisbon, represents an increase of security for the population at a cost of "only one million euros."

Ana Paula Vitorino was speaking at the inauguration of the new system at the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere.

Buggy drivers nabbed by Maritime Police in Meia Praia dunes

meiapraiaPesky buggy drivers zapping around the dunes and Meia Praia beach in Lagos have been nabbed by the Maritime Police.

All five drivers can expect heavy fines of between €250 and €2,500 for their illegal activities. They were spotted by a Maritime Police patrol last Thursday, November 23rd.

'Support for micro-farmers' announced at Aljezur sweet potato festival

SweetPotatoAgricultural Secretary of State, Miguel Freitas, opened the Aljezur sweet potato festival and announced a €30 million to help farmers who have a turnover of less that €30,000.

The Government is preparing to present a "package of measures to support small farmers," announced Freitas in response to local mayor, José Amarelinho’s call for more help for small farmers who cultivate high quality products, such as the now-famous Aljezur sweet potato.

Loulé mayor goes it alone with tourist tax

louleA tourist tax of €1 per overnight stay is to be used to create a fund for the ‘sustainability of tourism and the environment’ by Loulé council.

The tax income will be used to cover the costs of replenishing sand on beaches along the Loulé council’s coastline as well as to repair damage caused by fires and floods.

Drought “affecting fish in the sea”: scientists back alerts sounded by fishermen

armacaoIn all his 40 years at sea, fisherman Vítorino Jesus has “never seen anything like it”: nets are being hauled up empty - and he blames the drought.

TSF radio reports that scientists are in agreement. “Without rain, the rivers do not fill, they don’t take nutrients to the ocean or create food for the fishes”, says the station.

Battling Socialist Euro MP “refuses to be silent” over archived fraud investigation

submarineBattling Euro MP Ana Gomes is lodging a complaint with the European Commission over the way Portugal ‘archived’ the Tecnoforma case, despite clear indications of fraud discovered by investigators in Brussels (click here).

Talking to Observador, Gomes has explained: “Judicial authorities are supposed to do their jobs, but this has not happened in Portugal”.