Judges face disciplinary hearings over 'Biblical justification' for violence

justiceClubThe two judges who ruled in the so-called ‘domestic violence’ case, where a woman was attacked with a nail-spiked club by her husband and former lover, are to be subject to a disciplinary procedure.

The case triggered widespread national and international outrage when the judges’ summary partly excused the husband’s attack as he had been depressed and his honour and dignity had been besmirched by his wife’s behaviour - anyway 'there's far worse in the Bible.'

Algarve wine production beats all records

wineThe Annual Forum of Portuguese Wines, saw the Algarve Wine Commission announce that the region’s output was nowhere near the 20% increase that had been hoped for, in fact the Algarve’s output was 50% up on last season.

According to the Commission, this growth rate will help the Algarve assert itself as a serious and skilled wine producing region and helped the national output increase 4% on last year.

'Uber's operations are illegal in Portugal,' rules appeal court

ubertaxiTo the cheery delight of Portugal's taxi driver association, the appeal court in Lisbon has judged Uber’s operations in Portugal to be illegal, - “in violation of the national law.”

The first decision at the Lisbon central court in April 2015, stated that the transport service company had to pay €10,000 a day if it continued its operations. The US company went to the appeal court, which has confirmed the first judgment and leaves Uber with a multi-million euro bill.

Firefighters sniff out cannabis growing operation

cannabisA blaze at a caravan last weekend was swiftly dealt with by firefighters who sniffed that all was not quite as it seemed.

The fire started last Friday night in Alagoa, Santa Bárbara de Nexe, with GNR and bombeiros soon on the scene.

Algarve 2018 bike race to be broadcast to 'at least 50 countries'

bikeraceThe Algarve’s annual 'Volta ao Algarve' bicycle race “helps promote the region as a bicycle destination,” according to the head of the regional tourist board, Desidério Silva.

The 44th annual race, which runs from February 14th to 18th next year, is already a competition of "great international prestige" said Silva who sees the race as the focal point for the bicycle tourism market, saying that it “contributes to the image and appreciation of the territory.”

Drifting Olhão ferry rescued by oyster boat

OlhaoFerryMiraSadoThe ‘Mira Sado’ Olhão to Farol ferry suffered a leak in the engine cooling system, rendering it inoperable. With no power, the ferry ended up drifting away when trying to dock at Farol pier.

There were only six passengers and crew on board at the time and all were unharmed.

Brussels - arrest warrants lifted for Catalonian exiles

CataloniaPuigdemontSpain has lifted the European Arrest Warrants issued for Catalonia's former president, Carles Puigdemont (pictured) and four of his former ministers, all of whom have been holed up in Belgium since the Catalonian parliament declared independence from Spain on October 27th and they, rather sensibly, left the country.

As it stands, legally, the men will be arrested should they venture back to Spain as the domestic arrest warrants remain valid.

Pre-Christmas Food Bank collection - 'proof of the generosity of the Portuguese public'

fome5Food Banks Against Hunger collected more than 2,200 tons of food in its vital pre-Christmas campaign across 2,000 supermarkets in 21 regions of the country.

Isabel Jonet, the president of the Portuguese Federation of Food Banks against Hunger service, said that the large amount of food donated is proof of the generosity of the Portuguese public who once again has supported an initiative that, twice a year, collects food to alleviate hunger year round.