Eucalyptus plantations are biological deserts

eucalyptusEucalyptus trees cause "dramatic reduction" of biodiversity, with researcher at the University of Coimbra concluding that "eucalyptus leaves prevent the growth of roots of other plant species."

An international study undertaken by the university and published in the journal Global Ecology and Biogeography,* concludes that "the eucalyptus trees generate authentic 'deserts' around them, causing a dramatic reduction of the biodiversity of the territory."

Bank of Portugal wants to make mortgages harder to obtain

bopcarloscostaThe Bank of Portugal reports that it is considering taking measures to raise the bar for those applying for mortgages.

The bank is considering the imposition of firmer criteria for Portugal’s high street lenders when assessing the ability of individuals to meet monthly mortgage payments.

Portugal's PM says "no" to a European Army

soldierPortugal’s prime minister has made it quite clear that the government does not support the formation of a European army, preferring to remain in NATO with full support.

António Costa said that this will be laid out in black and white in a resolution from the Council of Ministers as membership of Permanent Structured Cooperation will not be an alternative to Portugal’s place in NATO.

Conforama's parent in criminal and tax probe - CEO resigns

ConforamaThe chief executive of Steinhoff, the group that controls Portuguese furniture and homeware retailer Conforama, has resigned over accounting irregularities and a resultig collapse in its share price.

Steinhoff's CEO, Markus Jooste, resigned on Wednesday as shares dropped 60%. The market was informed -  "Steinhoff's supervisory board informs its shareholders that it has had access to new information that relates to accounting irregularities that require further investigation."

November's Algarve hotel figures - British continue to disappoint

SilvesParkThe average overall occupancy rate for the Algarve’s hotels in November was 45.3%, a drop of 1.8% on November 2016.

According to data from the region’s hotels association, AHETA, the reason for the drop was a lack of British, which was blamed on Brexit and the fall in the exchange rate.

Thursday - rain will return to mainland Portugal

frost2A gentle rain is predicted for northern regions in the morning, with scudding clouds in the south. During the day, rainfall will travel south and reach the centre of the country.

The drizzle should start early in the day, accompanied by a gentle breeze. On the downside, there will be overnight frost in the interior regions with the temperature in Vila Real dropping to 1°C, and 2°CV in Bragança.

Fátima death crash driver to appeal six year sentence

INEM125The driver who ran down and killed five pilgrims on their way to Fátima has been given six years in prison - but is to appeal the sentence.

The defence lawyer of the driver who killed the pilgrims and seriously injured four others, said today that he will appeal the decision of the Court of Coimbra, as the sentence, "seems excessive."

Oral sex was 'by mutual consent' - Messines GNR officer cleared

gnrlogoThe Messines GNR officer, accused of the coercion of a cleaner to perform oral sex while he was on duty, has been acquitted.

The Portimão court decided that the sexual acts had happened but that they were consensual.