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Cessna emergency landing - instructor and trainee pilot questioned over two deaths

aircraftAlmadaBeachThe flight instructor and trainee pilot of the Cessna that landed on a crowded beach near Lisbon, appeared in court on Thursday over the violent deaths of José Lima, 56, and Sofia António, aged just 8.

The two men refused to speak to reporters as they arrived at the court in Almada for questioning by a prosecutor.

Bribery did not work as border GNR seize €430,000 in cash from Chinese national

gnrstopPortugal’s GNR military has seized €430,000 in cash from a Chinese citizen at the border in Caia, Elvas.

The man was arrested on suspicion of money laundering, bring more than €10,000 in cash into the country and attempting to bribe his way out of trouble.

Alcoutim temperature to hit 39°C on Saturday as the Algarve swelters

6199High temperatures across the Algarve region will increase from the already high 30s with the whole region on yellow alert until Saturday evening.

According to the Portuguese weather service, thermometers will reach 37°C in Faro on Saturday with Alcoutim reaching 39°C (102°F).

Parts of the EN125 are a "complete aberration" says regional tourism boss

aradeThe president of the Algarve’s regional tourist authority, Desidério Silva, has criticised the EN125 project, now that most of the road works on the western section of the road have been completed.

In an interview published on Algarve Económico, Silva said the work, at certain points on the EN125 was "a complete aberration."

Four-year-old dies in Tavira rooftop fall

INEM125A four-year-old being looked after by his grandmother, fell from a terrace in Tavira and later died in hospital.

Tomás Revez was showing signs of life when he was rushed to Faro hospital late on Tuesday morning, August 1st, but had suffered serious injuries and died early the next day.

Sardine supply back on tap as 'bonus' quota is announced

sardinesBunchIn a move to ensure the Socialist Party hauls in fishing sectors votes in the October 1st round of local elections, a bumper 4,760 tonne sardine quota has been announced.

The Minister of the Sea, Ana Paula Vitorino, has dismissed as "unthinkable" the 2018 'sardine fishing ban' proposal from the EU’s scientific advisors and has announced the 'bonus catch allowance' to cover the industry to the year-end

Higher taxes for 211,000 property owners in Portugal

villa3A change to Portugal's property tax laws will see higher 'Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis' (IMI) demands landing on owners’ door mats this month. The new tax is to be levied on individuals who own multiple properties whose total tax value (valor patrimonial tributário) exceeds €600,000.

The tax office has reported that 211,690 taxpayers will be stumping up more. This number includes both companies and individuals, inherited properties that have yet to be divided up and over 100,000 cases in which the property’s definition is incomplete or out-of-date.

Light aircraft lands on Almada beach, killing a man and an 8-year-old girl

aircraftAlmadaBeachA Cessna-152 light aircraft made an emergency landing on S. João da Caparica beach, Almada, just to the south of Lisbon, killing two people, one of them was an 8-year-old girl. The captain of the port of Lisbon confirmed the other death was of a 56-year-old man

The two occupants of the aircraft needed no medical care and have been detained for questioning by the Maritime Police, according to Paulo Isabel, the port captain.

The Judicial Police service is standing by but will only intervene if the Public Prosecutor's Office asks it to.