NOS fined €210,000 for appalling treatment of its telecoms customers

NOSThe telecoms regulator’s March report contains details of fines levied against operators for some of the most blatant cases of deception and customer abuse yet recorded in this overpriced sector.

NOS was fined €210,000 for aggressive commercial practices and for providing customers with completely false information about services and prices as well as non-compliance with its legal obligations related to the termination of contracts.

Lenient sentence for council president turned thief

euromillions2The Court of Leiria has sentenced a former president of the parish council in Famalicão da Nazaré for two crimes of embezzlement.

Abilio Romão received a four year sentence which was suspended, to the anger and astonishment of locals seeing a politician in a position of trust, walking free despite a conviction for the theft of parish funds.

Algarve fire alert due to continuing warm weather and strong winds

eucalyptusPortugal's Civil Protection authorities have banned controlled fires in northern and central regions of the country due to a heightened risk of their getting out of control in the current dry, windy conditions.

In the Algarve, Portimão Civil Protection has sent out a warning that the condition are perfect for forest fires as, according to the weather man, the next few days will have maximum temperatures ​​between 28C and 30C, and relative humidity between 20 and 30%.

Portugal's Pousada chain of hotels is 75-years-old

pousadaPousadas de Portugal is 75 years old and to mark the event the President of the Republic presided over a celebration in the Palace of Queluz on Wednesday.

Portugal’s first Pousada, a "small unit with regional cooking," opened in Elvas in 1942 during the decades-long oppressive reign of Portugal's very own dictator, António de Oliveira Salazar.

BPN bank manager given sentences of 111 years for cheating clients

moneyundematressA reduced sentence of seven years has been handed out to a Banco Português de Negócios (BPN) manager for "extremely serious" conduct that "encourages people to start saving their money under the mattress," according to the judge in Santa Maria da Feira court, Aveiro.

Fernando Gonçalves, a former bank manager of BPN in Oliveira de Azeméis, Oporto, also has to pay €5 million in compensation to the bank which was bailed out by the State with €1.8 billion of taxpayers' money in 2008 and later sold to Angola’s Banco BIC for €40 million.

Lagos restaurant destroyed by fire

MiamMiamA fire that started at around 8pm this evening in the Lagos ‘Miam Miam restaurant was controlled by firefighters and has been extinguished, according to the Disaster Relief Operational Command.

A cook was taken to hospital suffering from smoke inhalation after hot oil in a fryer ignited in the kitchen area.

Property rates revaluations reduce national housing value by €5 billion

oportoThe net rateable value of property in Portugal decreased by €4.7 billion between 2014 and 2015 as owners demanded revaluations be carried out.

In 2014, the total asset value of urban buildings in the country was €419.38 billion, falling to €414.68 billion the following year.

Suspects detained in Loulé stadium killing

11316Police have detained two Ukrainian men suspected of klling a fellow homeless man near the Municipal Stadium in Loulé two weeks ago.

In today’s statement, a Judicial Police spokesman said that the suspects, between late afternoon on April 5th and the morning of April 6th, "strangled and jumped on the body of a man, inflicting injuries that caused his death."