
SATA airline customers fight back over 'delays and lousy service'

SATA...delays, horrible customer service, unsafe aircrafts and disrespect towards elderly passengers” are just some of the more polite observations of Açorean airline SATA’s customers, many of whom would dearly love to fly with another carrier  – but there isn’t one.

The incident in August on board a SATA flight from Toronto to Ponta Delgada that had to turn back after being in the air for 10 minutes due to a 'mechanical problem' caused safety concerns.

Meetings Industry gets new Algarve website for venue selection

tourismThe Algarve Tourism Association has got its act together to attract business tourism to the region with the launch of an online venue search system.

Businesses looking for a place in the sun to launch new products, hold larger meetings or reward staff can find details of a selection of venues which specialise in the business market.

Fire Safety in Rural Areas for Tourists

Fire Safety in Rural Areas for TouristsIn order to help and advise tourists on the wildfire risks in Portugal, Safe Communities Portugal and the Portuguese Civil Protection Authority (ANPC) have developed a joint initiative with the publishing of notice entitled: "Fire Safety in Rural Areas for Visitors".

The advice is aimed at educating tourists, especially those from cooler and wetter climates, of the fire risks in Portugal especially during the summer months, to avoid inadvertently starting a fire and what to do if confronted with a wildfire.

Happy 50th Birthday Singapore!

Happy 50th Birthday Singapore!Congratulations Singapore on your 50th! I did my first bit of business in Singapore in the early Seventies, just as the people were coming to terms with the distinctive approach of the first prime minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and their relatively new status as a nation state.
Boogey Street was in full nightly flight, the floors of the Long Bar were customised by peanut shells and Singapore-slings were numerous, delicious and cheap. Also a prerequisite of any European visitor was a visit to certain stalls in the Little India bazaars to purchase outrageously cheap Sony Walkmans, and “Rolex” and “Cartier” watches to distribute to work mates, secretaries and family back at home.

New travel guide makes Lisbon more accessible

New travel guide makes Lisbon more accessibleVisit Lisbon with discounts - Save at least 150 euros a day. This is the opportunity created by Bestripvouchers for anyone who visits Lisbon. One hundred per cent Portuguese, the new travel guide of Lisbon, whose ambassador is the actor Ricardo Pereira, provides more than 7500 euros in discounts in transfers, restaurants, hotels, transports and other attractions. An adventure full of unforgetable experiences in the capital of Portugal.

Free 2015 hotel guide to Portugal

vilavitaThe "The HOTEL BOOK - Portugal Great Places and Tourism Services", a compilation of hotels from the north to the south of Portugal and its islands now is available in digital format from publituris.pt the trade’s news service.

Anti-tolls group asks - why is the Algarve being punished?

5280CUVI, the Via do Infante Users' Committee, had a full day last Saturday May 23rd as it launched a full set of objections to the toll system after a lunchtime debate, followed by a go-slow convoy and the placing of wreaths and memorials at locations on the EN125 where there recently have been yet more road deaths.

CUVI say that the tolls system on the motorway is largely responsible for the high accident rate in the Algarve, particularly on the EN125 which has become an urban street and has reverted to its status as the ‘road of death’  

Travel Insurance for Extensive Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

Travel Insurance For Extensive Pre-Existing Medical ConditionsStatus Global Insurance are excited to announce the ground-breaking launch of the specialised travel insurance product, Fit-4-Travel, which offers comprehensive cover, with no upper age limit to UK citizens residing throughout the EU, who have extensive pre-existing medical conditions.