
Starting to Grow Big: Tips to Help You Start a Small Business this 2021

Starting to Grow Big: 7 Tips to Help You Start a Small Business this 20212020 is the year where individuals had to live through the lockdown and its rules. Until 2021, this hasn’t gone away. Even amidst the pandemic, life moves on; it’s just human nature. Entrepreneurs, even if they are forced to stay at home, managed to make their business flourish.

Top 3 Reasons a Startup Succeeds

Top 3 Reasons a Startup SucceedsStart-ups can be started by just about anybody these days, however this doesn’t mean that everyone who ventures out into business succeeds. All of them begin with a plan, positive attitude and with high spirits.

What if I told you that you can hire a salesperson that works 24/7 and doesn’t ask for a salary?

WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THAT YOU CAN HIRE A SALESPERSON THAT WORKS 24/7 AND DOESN’T ASK FOR A SALARY?Well, you would probably think that I’m either crazy (which I promise you I am not, at least not that crazy!) or that I am trying to trick you. The truth is I am kind of tricking you (ever so slightly!) because it´s not exactly a person per se. But it is a ‘salesperson’, or seller, and does get the job done, and that’s what’s important, right?

To blog or not to blog: that is the question!

To blog or not to blogIt’s not a million dollar question, per se, but most small business owners have stumbled upon it more than once. And the answer is a rather simple one – yes and no. Confused?!

Update! Google Ads starts charging fees for France and Spain

Update! Google Ads starts charging fees for France and SpainAfter all, someone has to pay for the croissants and paella!
As of May 1, 2021, advertisers with active Google Ads campaigns for France and Spain will start paying a regulatory operating cost fee or DST (Digital Service Tax) of 2%, similarly to what happened last year, in November, with Austria, the United Kingdom and Turkey. The announcement was made now but payment will only start to be made from May this year.

The 3 most important SEO steps to take if you’ve just launched a new website

THE 3 MOST IMPORTANT SEO STEPS TO TAKE IF YOU’VE JUST LAUNCHED A NEW WEBSITEIt is always exciting: after some months of preparation, here it is, your new website. It is awesome, it is everything you wanted it to be, and you really poured your heart and soul into it. It is user and mobile-friendly, the design is nice and engaging. You are happy. That is, until you realise that you are not getting any organic traffic from Google. You just aren’t ranking for any keyword.

How to Transform Your Cleaning Service into Long-term Success

HOW TO TRANSFORM YOUR CLEANING SERVICE INTO LONG-TERM SUCCESSEveryone loves walking into a sparkling clean and tidy house, but only a few would be willing to do the work themselves. Most home and business owners would much rather hire someone to do the cleaning for them.

Our Digital Marketing who art in the internet, pray for us small businesses...

OUR DIGITAL MARKETING WHO ART IN THE INTERNET, PRAY FOR US SMALL BUSINESSES...2021 began as the year of all hopes and many expectations, after a miserable 2020 that brought down, in the blink of an eye, what so many took so long to build. In some cases it virtually destroyed them, forcing them to close doors; in others it left a massive dent and forced them to fill their lungs with air and prepare for a long freedive that never seems to end.