
Algarve Senior Bikers Reach New Heights

18292It now seems to be the new normal that ASB rides will have to be repeated on two days, due to the present Covid-19 situation and the regulations on group sizes.
The ride this time started from Silves before climbing up to the highest point in the Algarve for a coffee break at Foia.

Algarve Senior Bikers cautious return to the roads

Algarve Senior Bikers cautious return to the roadsOn June 17 and 18 the Algarve Senior Bikers organized their first ride since the easing of the Covid-19 restrictions. Also, during the lockdown the ASB should have celebrated the tenth anniversary of the group in June, but that celebration has been put on hold for the time being.

RCEPI Helping The Community

RCEPI Helping The CommunityIn these difficult times, Rotary Club Estoi Palace (RCEPI) has been helping where it can. At the end of March, a joint Algarve Rotary Club project purchased 3 x 3D printers to manufacture visors. A sewing machine was also purchased to make masks. The equipment was delivered to premises provided by Loule Council and the masks and visors were distributed to various health centers in the Algarve.
Last month RCEPI again joined forces with other local Rotary Clubs and delivered 60000 medical gloves to Faro Hospital. The Club has also delivered some food to the hospital to sustain the nurses who are working very long shifts.

AIRC Zooming Ahead

AIRC Zooming AheadZooming now seems to be the preferred way for businesses to conduct meetings and for keeping in contact with family near and far. Almancil International Rotary Club (AIRC) is no exception and for the last five weeks the club has been holding weekly meetings via Zoom.
On Wednesday there were a total of 31 participants including guests from the Rotary Club Estoi Palace International, from the UK, Germany and two very special guests from India, Bhanu Gupta and his wife Divya from the Rotary Club – Metro Ahmedabad.  There was even a guest speaker, João Martins, the youngest member of RC Estoi Palace who recently and before the lock-down spent two weeks in India as one of two Portuguese nationals chosen to attend the Discover India Camp, along with young people representing thirteen nationalities.

Protective Equipment For Algarve Bombeiros

Protective Equipment For Algarve BombeirosKnowing of the financial difficulties faced by the Algarve Fire Department, community residents who are part of the Forest Fire Alert Facebook group promoted a fundraiser with the purpose of filling some shortages of protective clothing, allowing the safety of the fire department for all occasions, as well as in the fight of to this epidemiological Covid-19 outbreak.

September in the Rain - enjoy the show online!

September in the Rain - enjoy the show online!Here are the links to our first online Rehearsed Play reading. The show we are performing is September in The Rain by John Godber. The whole show lasts just over an hour.
September in the Rain is a nostalgic and heart-warming observational comedy from renowned playwright John Godber. It follows the life of miner Jack and his wife Liz on their annual holiday to Blackpool over the years. A true Northern love story.

Algarve Archaeological Association tour of the Historic Centre of Loulé, Algarve

Interior of Ermita de nossa Senhora de Conceição, LouleThe AAA lecture which was due to be held on Tuesday 7th April has been cancelled due to the coranavirus pandemic and the closure of our venues at the Museu do Traje, São Bras and the Convento de São José, Lagoa. We aim to resume our monthly lectures when the situation allows.
In February AAA members were able to enjoy an excellent visit to the historic centre of Loulé, an archaeological tour arranged by our member David Marion who wrote the following report: