
Inflation stable in Portugal

fruitInflation in Portugal rose by 0.1% in January, below the eurozone’s average of 0.8%.

Portugal’s average inflation rate over the last year to January 2014 was 0.4%.

Inflation conquers British wages

britishmoneyReal earnings for full-time workers in the UK have dipped back to the level they were more than a decade ago.

Earnings fell, in real terms, every year from 2008 to 2013, according to the Office for National Statistics.

British homeownership in decline

londonpropBritain is turning into a land of renters, reversing the drive to increase homeownership pushed by Prime Minister Thatcher.

Home ownership has dropped to its lowest level for 25 years.

Portugal - 34,000 new companies registered in 12 months

businessparkThe number of new companies registered in Portugal in January this year was 4,289, a decrease of 22.6% year on year but the number of insolvencies fell 24.5% to 452 cases, according to the D&B barometer.

According to D&B, over the last 12 months 34,044 new companies have been registered, an increase of 3.0% year on year, while the number of insolvencies has dropped to 5,328 cases, 10.9% down on the previous year.

Algarve’s 'food and wine' theme at the Lisbon Tourism Fair

almondsThe Algarve’s cuisine and its wines aim to be the main attraction to the region's stand at the Lisbon Tourism Fair taking place between 12th and 16th of March in Lisbon.

Cooking demonstrations are planned from on-site chefs offering tastings to passers by. This is part of a new message from the Algarve Tourist Board to show that tourists "can also be captivated by the belly."

Portugal’s hydroelectric power record

odeloucaThe production of electricity from Portugal’s dams hit a record high on February 16th 2014 when hydroelectricity provided 66% of the country’s total energy needs.

Throughout 2014 records have been broken as rainfall has topped dams up to full capacity, according to energy distributor REN.

Portimão mayor in crisis talk with PM over council finances

portimaocamaraThe Mayor of Portimão Isilda Gomes today met the Prime Minister to explain the dire state of the council finance.

At the meeting the Portimão mayor emphasised the effort that her newly formed executive is making to reduce the running costs at the council, and explained that there are now worrying signs that the municipality is unable to meet the most basic social needs of the population.

Anti-smoking laws due this year

smokingStrong anti-smoking legislation is to be introduced across the European Union.

Cigarette packs will be obliged to carry large health warnings. Flavoured and menthol cigarettes will be banned altogether.