
Spain’s Repsol accepts $5bn compensation

oilrigSpanish oil company, Repsol, has agreed to receive $5 billion in compensation from Argentina.

Argentina seized Repsol’s assets in Argentina by nationalising its stake in Argentina’s biggest oil company, YPF.

Germany relies on exports

factoryGermany’s economic performance has continued to outstrip all its fellow eurozone partners, mostly due to foreign trade.

It closed the year with growth of just 0.4% for the year, according to the German statistics agency, which was the slowest expansion since the meltdown began in 2008.

Algarve - the Russians are coming

tourismThis summer four charter flights each week will be bringing Russian tourists to the Algarve, an estimated 9,700 of them, courtesy of travel company Natalie Tours.

According to a statement today from the Algarve Tourism Association, Natalie Tours is organising meetings in the Algarve between 27 February and 4 March with Turismo de Portugal and the Algarve Tourism Association and at a press conference will announce the lucky hotels that will be stocking up on vodka.

Moody's is relaxed over Portugal’s chances

moodysThe ratings agency Moody’s needs to have more certainty that the current growth in Portugual’s GDP is sustainable, as it is mostly based on exports, but is not bothered if the exit from the Troika programme is a clean one or accompanied by a further credit facility.

Kathrin Muehlbronner, Vice president and senior analyst at Moody's, commented today that Portugal already is raising money on the international debt market but still "growth prospects and debt levels remain a concern." The agency predicts a stabilisation and a return to moderate growth for Portugal’s economy.

More leeway for Portugal's social security debtors

selfemployedIndependent workers wishing to sort out a payment plan for their social security debts may soon be able to pay in stages over 150 months.

The Minister of Employment and Social Security today announced that the Government is working on measures to extend the maximum repayment period for those wanting to pay in stages to 150 months - 12.5 years.

Road operator BRISA reports lower profits

lorryRoad operator Brisa reported today that a slight economic improvement enabled a lower revenue decline for 2013.

Brisa profits reduced in 2013 by 0.7% to €27.5 million. The company said that the slowdown in the contraction of the Portuguese economy showed a slower loss in traffic than in 2012.

German tourists complain that Portugal is not competitive

tourismMore all-inclusive hotels, promote Portugal as a whole and become more price competitive, there are the strategies to follow to regain German tourists.

This German market has always been important to the industry but in recent years Portugal has dropped off the German radar, according to the president of the Association of German Travel Agents, Jürgen Buchy, who is visiting Lisbon.

Faro's off-site rental companies to pay up or leave

goldcarCheap looking rent-a-car companies that feed off Portugal’s airports are to be regulated by ANA which is fed up with customer complaints and a lack of income from unlicensed operators.

The cowboys that operate from premises outside the airport area are going to have to pay fees to the airport operator in return for properly designated space in which to conduct their business as well as signage in the arrivals area.