
Algarve mayors demand action in hospital shambles

hospitalchartThe Algarve mayors’ meeting ended with agreement that they "can not remain indifferent to the serious shortage of doctors that exists in Faro and Portimão hospitals and can not stand idly by as reports come in of delayed consultations, postponed surgical procedures, delays in diagnostic procedures and a lack of equipment needed to run the units.

The mayors reported they are "apprehensive" about the quality of health services in the region and said today after their meeting that they are "concerned at the lack of readiness and quality in the provision of health services to the Algarve population.”

Global unemployment could cripple recovery

worldsThe global rate of unemployment is going up even though economic recovery is beginning in a number of countries.

Global unemployment increased by 5 million in 2013 to reach 202 million despite an incipient world economic rally. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the result is a “jobless recovery" as business activity picks up.

Annual UK house prices surge

cottageFewer houses in the UK are up for sale now than in 2007, dropping to their lowest level in seven years.

At the same time, asking prices are continuing to rise, in part due to the shortage of properties on the market.

Drought bites deep in California

droughtCalifornia is struggling with its worst drought since records began 119 years ago.

Its Governor, Jerry Brown, has called a state of emergency in the face of 90% of the state suffering severe drought.

Loulé contractors discover Islamic bath complex

loulebathsExcavations in the center of Loulé have revealed a complex of Islamic public baths, possibly the most complete of its type in the Iberian Peninsula, according to municipal archaeologists.

In addition to warm, tepid and cold bathing rooms, careful digging has uncovered cold tanks, latrines and patios. These public baths are an extensive record of Islamic life and date from late in the period of the Moorish occupation.

Number of Energy Efficiency certificates drops 18%

apartmentsEnergy certificates issued between January and September 2013 dropped by 18.3% compared to the same period the year before.

Energy certification is now an unavoidable reality in the national house sales market, according to information from ADENE – the energy agency charged with running the scheme.

Portugal continues to improve in the financial markets

assemblyThe interest rate for Portuguese 10 year debt fell today to below the psychological 5% barrier, according to a positive report from Reuters.

The interest rate for 10 year government debt consistently has been over 5% since June 2010 and the new rate will enable Portugal to start to fund its own expenditure at sensible interest rates.

Google to face trial over targeted adverts

googleA lawsuit in the UK is underway against Google over the way it gathers personal information and then uses it to push targeted advertising at them.

Three people involved in bringing the lawsuit have won the approval of the High Court to bring the internet provider to trial.