
Algarve council workers revert to a 35 hour working week

farocamaraThe president of Intermunicipal Community of the Algarve, Jorge Botelho, has announced that the mayors of the 16 municipalities in the Algarve have voted unanimously to negotiate with the unions to adopt a 35-hour working week for all council staff.

Monks feed Faro's poor

sardinepoorThe Franciscan order has boosted Faro’s social support service in response to a huge increase in requests for help from those unable to afford to feed themselves.

The Franciscan Order of Faro has opened a new kitchen to support their existing food service for the poor at a kiosk in front of the Franciscan Church in Largo de São Francisco in Faro.

UK mortgage lending shoots up

londonpropLoans for mortgages in the UK approved in December have hit their highest level since 2008.

An estimated £17bn was lent during the month, an increase of almost 49% on the year before, according to the Council of Mortgage Lenders.

George Soros donates ‘solidarity centres’ to Greece

acropIn the absence of public welfare, George Soros said he will open the first in a series of ‘solidarity centres’ to help those hit worst by Greece’s economic woes.

The centres aim to provide health and legal assistance.

Some one and a half million people, nearly 28%, in Greece are officially unemployed, but the country’s budget cuts have severely limited the provision of basic facilities, including monthly benefit payments and health insurance. People in desperate need are increasingly turning to charities for help.

Revolt on Ryanair

ryanairDisappointed French passengers onboard Ryanair staged a revolt when the aircraft was diverted, causing a delay.

One of the 170 travellers was taken suddenly ill, so the flight from Rabat, Morocco to Paris made an unplanned stop in Madrid for medical attention.

The ensuing delay of several hours meant that flight had missed its chance to land at Beauvais airport in Paris owing to a curfew on night flights.

GNR to fine owners of 'fire risk' land

fireThe Algarve’s GNR are to be given powers to fine landowners who fail to keep their land clear of combustible material in measures being studied by the Minister of Agriculture, Assunçao Crestas, who said today that the legislation will be in place by the summer.

The minister said she is in talks with the Ministry of Internal Affairs to create a system of stiff fines administered by the GNR to arable land and forest owners who do not clear their land or combustible material.

José Pearce de Azevedo, former British Honourary Consul in the Algarve, dies at 83

azevedoThe former Honorary British Consul in the Algarve, José Pearce de Azevedo, died on 20 January at the age of 83. 

The British Ambassador, Jill Gallard, has said:   "I am deeply saddened by José Azevedo's death.  He was a dear and loyal friend of the UK and he will be warmly remembered by me and by many of his former colleagues at the British Consulates in Portimão and Lisbon, and at the Embassy.

Full government enquiry into Portimão finances

portimaocamaraThe relationship between Portimão council and operating company Portimão Urbis is, as of today, being carefully analysed by the fearsome General Inspectorate of Finance (Inspeção-Geral de Finanças, or GF-I for short.)

The crack inspection team will look at files, computer record and bank account details at the council and at the council-owned company, Portimão Urbis.