
Oxfam puts Portugal in top ten for nutritional diet

fieldPortugal is in the top ten countries which have the healthiest diet, according to a survey issued by Oxfam.

The Netherlands was shown to be the best place for a good diet, followed by France, Switzerland and Denmark.

Portugal was ranked in 10th position out of the 125 countries reviewed, outstripping the UK which was number 13 in the survey.

Honey bees given ‘backpacks’ for science

beeScientists in Australia, worried about the decline in the honey bee population, have attached ‘backpacks’ onto 5,000 honey bees to seek clues.

Honey bee pollination is vital to crop growth, with as much as one-third of the world’s food relying on pollination.

Australia has escaped the ‘colony collapse disorder’ and the Varroa mite plague hitting other countries and the research hopes to discover why these conditions have been avoided.

Algarve hospitals spat reaches parliament

fluThe parliamentary group of the Communist Party has submitted a request urgently to hear from the Parliamentary Health Committee,  the bosses of the Algarve’s regional health administration (ARS), and from the Algarve hospitals group (CHA), and also from the doctors working in the Algarve’s hospitals.

At issue is the now-famous petition signed by 182 medics from the 230 that work at Faro and Portimão hospitals.

According to the Communist Party, the situations and shortages outlined in the letter released last week, “are extremely serious and can not be ignored."

Aljezur death - hit and run driver arrested

inemThe driver of a white Renault car that ran into and killed an elderly bicyclist on the EN 120 near Aljezur has been identified. The driver did not stop, triggering a police investigation that successfully has located the man.

The GNR said in a statement that the car involved in the accident was found in a Portimão workshop being repaired and that the 47-year old driver has been arrested and accused of failing to stop after an accident. He has to inform police of any changes of address, but may remain free until his trial.

Did the Portuguese discover Australia?

kangarooA manuscript from the 16th century could indicate that Portuguese explorers were in Australia before the first recorded European landing in 1606.

The document contains the drawing of what appears to be a small kangaroo or a wallaby placed into the letter “D”.

Birds’ V flying pattern mystery unravelled

ducksThe V formation adopted by flocks of birds has been finally understood.

Researchers have discovered that the purpose is to save energy. Every bird other than the leader is able to gain lift from the bird in front by remaining close to its wingtip.

Study showed that the birds time their wing beats perfectly to match the good air coming from the bird in front. Additionally, their heart rates went down when flying in a V.

Widening wealth gap is biggest threat to world security

beggarThe increasing gap between rich and poor is perceived to be the biggest risk to global security, according to the World Economic Forum.

Its annual report warned the worsening levels of income disparity could lead to greater social unrest in the coming decade leading to the dissolution of the fabric of society.

Faro court gives suspended sentence to illegal immigration boss

passportA man accused of aiding illegal immigration was convicted by the Judicial Court of Faro to one year and nine months in prison, suspended for the same period, according to Portugal’s Foreigners & Borders Service (SEF).

The non-Portuguese man was involved in "illegal acts to ease the passage over the Portuguese border to foreign nationals whose final destination was the UK," according to the court report.