
Investors push up English farmland prices

englandThe demand for English farmland has sent the cost per acre soaring to record highs in 2013, a trend predicted to continue this year.

Prices jumped by 11% last year along, by 210% over the last ten years and a remarkable 11.500% from 60 years ago when land cost £52 an acre.

Cambridge axes apostrophes

cambridgeCambridge City Council has decided to abolish apostrophes on street signs which has caused a stir among many concerned with the correct use of English.

The council said it was only following national guidelines which claim that apostrophes could cause confusion, especially for emergency services.

Bales of hashish floating along the Guadiana- 40 of them so far

hashForty bales of hashish, some 1500 kilos, have been fished out of the river Guadiana by the GNR which spotted the bales in the water near Foz de Odeleite in the early hours of Saturday.

According to the GNR the discovery was made during a routine patrol which spotted "two boats on the River Guadiana behaving suspiciously on Thursday evening."

New recycling campaign for the Algarve's waste

rubbishThe Algarve's recycling company Algar, owned by Aguas do Algarve and the Algarve's councils and now run by ex-mayor of Faro Macario Correia, has launched a new campaign to raise awareness of the correct separation and disposal of waste packaging and the efficient use of recycling points.

The initiative is being held in collaboration with all the Algarve’s councils which should ensure that the new information leaflets will reach every household in the region. The aim is to enlighten and inform the public about the rules for using the recycling points.

Loose horses cause road accidents across Portugal

horseThe accident near Évora on Christmas Day, which caused four deaths and four serious injuries, was the most serious car accident caused by animals  in Portugal, but there have been many more less appalling acidents throughout the country in recent years.

The Public Relations Officer of the GNR in Évora, Rogério Copeto, has been compiling a list of accidents caused by animals in the past year in the Évora area.

President of Prosegur – ‘Portugal remains quite safe’

burglaryThe president of security company Prosegur believes that there has not been an increase in crime due to the economic crisis, and that Portugal remains “a very safe country.”  

João Gaspar da Silva commented that the crisis has seen the end of many companies, a large rise unemployment, emigration, and often despair but as for crime, he believes that "Portugal is, in the context of the world and of Europe, still a very safe country."

Farmers pay social security with seasonal veg

vegMembers of the agricultural fraternity 'oop north have in protest decided to pay their new Social Security obligations in potatoes and vegetables.

All Portugal’s farmers that sell anything at all are now required to register that they are economically active, no matter what size turnover they expect, and therefore will have to make social security payments, often in excess of their incomes.

Time to swap British banknotes

britishmoneyAnyone still holding old £50 British banknotes is advised to exchange them for new ones before the end of April.

The old note features Sir John Houblon, the first governor of the Bank of England, and was first issued in 1994.