Shipwreck off Cascais - 'discovery of the decade' - Ming dynasty ceramics on board

DivingUnderwaterA mystery ship has been discovered on the seabed near Cascais with a cargo of spices and Ming dynasty ceramics.

Already being referred to as the 'discovery of the decade,' the ship sunk between 1575 and 1625, and was found by a group of underwater archaeologists in a research project led by Cascais Council.

Algarve's Sul Informação formally links to Jornal de Notícias

6208aThe Algarve and lower Alentejo region’s Sul Informação online news service has signed a deal with Jornal de Notícias in which the two publications will share selected news content.

In a meeting in Porto, other media (news, TV and radio), one from each region in the country, also signed up to the new News Network.

Fire destroys vehicles in Monchique underground car park

fireA fire broke out in an underground car park in Monchique, near the viewing point, destroying six vehicles and causing damage to several others.

The alert was given at 05:21 am this morning and firefighters from Monchique rushed to the scene, later receiving support from colleagues from Portimão, Lagoa, Albufeira and Silves.

Faro harbour dredging contract - tendering process allows an extra €100,000

FaroDocksNewMarinaSmallDocapesca has announced a new public tender to dredge Faro harbour for an increased target price of €375,000.

The launch of this new tender, already published in Diário da República, follows up an earlier failed tendering process launched on August 16, 2018, in which all the bids received were over the maximum price.

Algarve natural and wetland areas to be protected from developers

salgados aerialGood news for conservationists and bird-lovers across the region as Almargem has announed it has received project funding from the Nature Conservation and Biodiversity programme of the Environmental Fund. 

This will pay for in-depth studies of specific aspects of several wetland areas in the Algarve, writes Almargem, namely the Alagoas Brancas area in Lagoa threatened by Continente, Sapais de Pêra and Lagoa dos Salgados (pictured) straddling Silves and Albufeira Council areas where Millennium Bank is keen to flog off the laughably named 'eco-Resort' at Praia Grande, the wetland of Trafal near Vilamoura and Foz do Almargem in Loulé.

Portugal's renewable energy performance third best in EU

pvPortugal come third of the EU’s renewable energy ranking, behind Sweden and Austria.

Only in five EU countries does renewable energy account for more than 50% of consumption.

Golden Visa trial - verdicts delayed for the third time

macedoFor the third time, the judge’s verdict in the Golden Visa corruption trial has been delayed, this time until December 21st.

The reason each time has been, “a lack of time to take a decision.”

Portugal prepares for blistering weekend weather

6199Autumn starts on Sunday with temperatures in some parts of Portugal reaching 40°C.

Summer started late this year but the coming period of blistering temperatures makes up for earlier, below average periods.