Portugal’s pharmacists against legalisation of medicinal cannabis

cannabis"There is no scientific evidence to prove the efficacy and safety of its use," according to the Pharmacists’ working group when reporting to the parliamentary committee on health.
The group’s four expert pharmacists say there is no robust scientific evidence regarding the benefit-to-risk ratio of the use of the cannabis plant "for medicinal purposes," adding that, "there is strong evidence that there are safety concerns and toxicological potential."

Spain ignores Portugal in approving a uranium mine near the border

nuclearfuelrodsSpain has licensed a uranium mine in Retortillo, about 40 kilometres from the Portuguese border, without consulting the Portuguese State or carrying out the necessary, cross-border environmental impact study.
In a move similar to the Almaraz nuclear power plant fuel dump project, where Spain ignored the cross-border rules and pressed ahead while ignoring its neighbour, the authorisation of a uranium mine is causing another diplomatic melt-down.

Messines crash leaves mother dead and baby badly injured

INEM125A 39-year-old woman driver died after her car had a head-on collision with a lorry on the road between Silves and Messines.
The accident happened this afternoon at Corte, on the EN124.  

Bank charges row continues with Caixa Geral in the firing line

caixageral2Missing the point completely, the Ministry of Finance says that Caixa Geral's account fees are "in line" with competitors and that “price convergence is important to ensure the viability of the public bank.”
The public contend that all the banks have put their charges up in tandem to fill the profit gap left by operating inefficient and overstaffed operations that have failed to adjust to a new reality.

Gutteres criticises Portugal for "lack of ambition" in CO2 reduction race

guterresUN Secretary-General António Guterres warned in Lisbon today that the world "runs the risk of losing the race," in the face of  accelerating climate change and that there is a "lack of sufficient ambition" to achieve international CO2 reduction goals.
"Climate change is the greatest collective threat on the planet and continues to move faster than we do," said António Guterres, speaking at the University of Lisbon and addressing Portugal's pro-oil Prime Minister, António Costa, sat in the audience

Galp Energia to build photovoltaic plant in Odemira

pvGalp Energia is going ahead with its application for a licence to set up its first photovoltaic power plant in São Teotónio, Odemira.
This licensing request needs a positive opinion from the Directorate General for Energy and Geology (DGEG), but in the meantime, Odemira council has approved the scheme.

Accident stats are manipulated, claims national motorcyclist group

motorbikeThe nation’s bikers have protested. Thousands of motorcyclists gathered outside parliament to witness the delivery of a manifesto in which it is claimed that dodgy road accidents statistics can not be used to create “unjustified measures.”
The measures in question include the mandatory motorbike roadworthiness inspections which the bikers consider a farce. Anyway, the motorbike accident figures have been fiddled, claim the nation’s ‘motards’

Councils 'can borrow the money' to pay for scrub clearance

forrestThe forest maintenance row continues between the country’s mayors and the government. The Minister of Internal Affairs, Eduardo Cabrita, has assured municipalities that they will be reimbursed for ‘almost everything’ they spend cleaning forests on private land.
The new forest laws state that land must be cleared in the zones around villages and houses in rural areas, before the next fire season.