Açores - Lajes US airbase linked to rise in local cancer cases

lajesairbaseMore and more inhabitants of Portugal’s Terceira Island are suffering from deadly diseases, especially cancer, at rates far out of sync with the rest of the Azores archipelago. Terceira is no different from the other islands, except in one thing. Russia-based video agency RUPTLY has carried out an exclusive investigation into this matter, writes the EU Times.

The Lajes Airbase on Terceira Island has hosted the United States’ 65th Air Base Group for decades now. Ever since World War II it has been considered one of the most convenient bases: an airstrip in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, strategically situated between the US and Europe.

Westminster subway death mystery man was Angolan paedophile

 4801“He was a Portuguese national who had been in our emergency centre for some time and was being helped to find a job,” said a spokesperson from the Connection charity in central London.
Referring to Marcos Amaral Gourgel, who died in Westminster tube station last Wednesday, the charity referred to his “complex situation.”

Engineers can act as architects but with no mandatory insurance

architectsymbolArchitects across the country are appalled that a law enabling around 4,000 civil engineers to submit and sign-off architectural projects, has been passed by the review committee. 
The bill allowing engineers to sign-off architectural designs was approved on Thursday and is "a setback and a shame" according to the Vice President of the Order of Architects, Daniel Fortuna do Couto.

Teflon Angolan faces arrest should he visit Portugal

BESalgolabossThe Teflon Angolan, Álvaro Sobrinho, has had his office in Portugal searched on the orders of the Attorney General's Office as part of Operation Lex, involving Judge Rui Rangel and other defendants.

The Angolan businessman is suspected of having bribed Judge Rui Rangel, who overturned a legal request to have Sobrinho’s assets seized, and will be accused of corruption should he ever dare return to Portugal.

Ria Formosa - next wave of demolitions to go ahead

demolishThe Environment Minister has assured the Parliamentary Committee on the Environment that there will be no further demolitions beyond the 22 'at risk' houses on the island of Culatra whose owners already have been notified.
Minister João Matos Fernandes was responding to a set question from Faro’s socialist MP, Luís Graça, who had asked if the government planned to demolish any more houses, after the current batch of 22.

Aljezur test well drilling suspended for three months

oilAljezurImageLoulé court today has suspended all oil and gas drilling activity off the Alentejo coast for three months.
Anti-oil association, PALP, was in court today pursuing its legal case to see the Galp-ENI consortium banned from drilling its first test well in the ocean 40 kilometres off Aljezur.

Albufeira mayor dies at 60

AlbufeiraMayorAlbufeira’s town hall flag is at half-mast today after the city’s mayor, Carlos Eduardo Silva e Sousa, suffered a heart attack and died at his home on Thursday evening - he was 60-years-old.
The mayor had joined the region’s other mayors yesterday afternoon to lend his considerable support to the anti-oil drilling meeting and resulting declaration (HERE) that was signed in Loulé. Later, at around 10pm, he was taken ill at his home.

Pilgrim faked her own rape in Santiago and Fátima

santiagocompostelaA Venezuelan woman was hospitalised in Spain after claiming she had been raped and abandoned on the Camino de Santiago.
It turned out that the allegations were false and that she had invented much the same story on a pilgrimage to Fátima in Portugal.