Car destroyed by train at Olhão crossing

trainA woman and her daughter were left shocked and battered after their Peugeot was hit by a train coming in to Olhão station on Wednesday morning.

The car was crushed against a wall but the two women in the car escaped with minor injuries. They were taken to Faro hospital anyway but soon were discharged.

Should neutering pets be mandatory?

dogLeapingDogs have long been regarded as “man´s best friend” and cats are often considered adorable, but stray or abandoned animals pose a huge problem in Portugal and there’s no solution in sight.

It’s a worldwide conundrum. The European Union estimates there are about one hundred million homeless dogs and cats across the continent.

UK Budget changes in brief

4801For those whose tax affairs remain in the UK, here are the headline changes in yesterday's gloomy, 'balanced' budget from Chancellor Philip Hammond as the UK slips out of the world's top five economies for the first time.

The shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, condemned Hammond's statement as “a nothing-has-changed budget from an out-of-touch government with no idea of the reality of people’s lives and no plan to improve them.”

Moscovici issues severe warning about Portugal's proposed 2018 budget

moscoviciUnlike the 2017 budget proposal for Portugal, the European Commission has not returned this year’s submission for 2018 or even suggested that there should be a plan B.

Brussels has accepted the 2018 budget proposal, with many reservations but has put Portugal in the group of member countries whose financial plans do not stack up, warning that Portugal's economy is one of the most unbalanced in the euro zone.

Drought triggers electricity production cost rise of over 50%

edpPortuguese energy producer EDP has started to prepare the public and the regulator for price rises, claiming that its hydroelectric power production is running at half normal output due to the continuing drought.

EDP claims that its production costs have risen by 53% as it has maintained overall production by raising output at its coal-fired and gas-fuelled plants.

Aljezur, Silves and Loulé host fun weekend events

SweetPotatoTop-rated chefs will be turning the humble sweet potato into a variety of dished at the Aljezur Sweet Potato Festival which returns to the western Algarve on the 24, 25 and 26 November.

The foodie offerings will be found at four restaurants, three cafe restaurants, at a variety of street food stands and in the main tent that hosts Aljezur's main autumn event.

Paradise Papers - Tax Authority to cross-reference data to spot tax evaders

caymanInspectors from the anti-fraud unit of Portugal’s tax authority are to analyse the Paradise Papers information, recently published by the international consortium of journalists, but won’t be buying the detailed information held on file.

The Tax and Customs Authority (AT) is fully aware of the revelations in the Paradise Papers and will be doing its own thing when investigating the names relating to Portugal.

Night-time water rationing coming soon - unless there's plenty of rain

water2The Secretary of State for the Environment, Carlos Martins, admitted today that the rationing of water at night, in some localities, is one of the measures lined up should the drought continue.

Carlos Martins said that this is the longest drought that the country has ever lived through and advocates rationing as there is not much else that can be done, apart from people helping by using less.