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More island houses marked for demolition as Environment Minister's big lie is played out

polislogoThe forcible possession of houses in the village of Hangares on the Ria Formosa island of Culatra, continued today amid more tension, anger and calls for the Minister of the Environment to stick to the promises he made in parliament.

Around 200 protestors were at times forcibly held back by 40 Maritime Police as locals and supporters gathered by those houses being spray-painted with a case number by five Polis Litoral staff to indicate that the property will be torn down.

Communications spokesman for the Maritime Police, Pedro Palma, said that people "complied with the instructions of the Maritime Police" even though the protestors managed to disrupt what the Hangares residents’ association leader called this “vicious process.”

In fact the Maritime Police had to manhandle several protestors: "There was more emotion in the air but it never came to physical violence" said Palma.

The staff from Polis Litoral Ria Formosa, intent on making indigent fishermen homeless and acting contrary to the undertaking made to parliament by the Minister of the Environment Jorge Matos Fernandes, managed incorrectly to mark some of the target properties and had to ask for help.

Polis managed to take administrative possession of 19 of the 24 houses on Hangars. In the coming days, two of these will have to be suspended due to court injunctions but the rest will be torn down.

The demolition of property in Farol and Hangares is expected to start in a month’s time with the minister still refusing to explain why he has gone back on his agreement in parliament that each property will be deal with on “a case by case basis” - something that has not happened, with the Left Bloc and Communist MPs seemingly unable to force the minister to halt the possession and demolition process.

These clearances are being pursued with a burning zeal by the government which, with a particularly virulent blend of nastiness and lies, has decided that the poor have no rights when big business is involved and the islands need tidying up before tourist developers can move in without the inconvenience of having to deal with unruly locals and their basic quality housing.

For many, this is a shameful as it gets in Portugal which shed its oppressive regime in 1974 to replace it with government's high-handed disregard for citizens, especially if they do not have the resources to fight back.


See: https://www.facebook.com/jorgejanot/videos/1615506578463902/


For a video record of the forced possessions in March 2017, (in Portuguese), see: https://youtu.be/oJRygCQZfB8



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0 #6 Eckhard Ahrens 2017-03-11 09:09
Manchmal fragt man sich, warum Brüssel hier nicht einschreitet, aber da herrscht ja wohl auch Korruption und Verlogenheit, denn vor mehr als 3 Jahren wurde mit einem Brief auf die Unregelmäßigkeiten der Polis Litural Ria Formosa aufmerksam gemacht.
Der portugiesische Staat sollte auf seine demokratischen Werte zurückgreifen und nicht über dem Gericht stehen.
Man bedenke....schöne Grüße von Salazar.
0 #5 nogin the nog 2017-03-08 07:07
Shame on the maritime police. Your work is to serve and protect the people, Not to aid the Capitalists. What if it was your house or your mothers house. THIS ISNT THE JUNGLE IN CALAIS, THESE ARE PORTUGUESE PEOPLE YOU ARE MAKING HOMELESS..
+2 #4 Ed 2017-03-03 11:44
Quoting Jack Reacher:
Can someone explain why the so called Islanders on Culatra or other villages are entitled to rent out their dwellings on aIrbnb during the lucrative summer months. I thought these people lived and worked here year round. Do they pay tax on their holiday rental?

Any property owner is allowed to let their property on airbnb, you don't have to be 'entitled' as they are not serfs. You need an AL licence of course, which 4/5ths of the lettings market ignores. Not all island homes are full time homes, nor has anyone ever claimed that they are. Many second homes already have been torn down, notably on Faro Island. Armona is mostly summer houses and under a deal with Olhao Camara all Armona properties are not troubled by any of the laws that are being applied relentlessly on Culatra.
It's the properties that people built legally and live in - and that Polis want to demolish - that are the source of the tension and upset. These properties have every right to be there and the State is using legal reasons to remove them such as the 'too close to the water' argument that somehow does not apply to Quinta do Lago, Fuseta, Fabrica etc - on Culatra and Faro Islands. The State tried the 'danger to life and linb' argument but must reluctantly have concluded that come the next Tsunami, many of us are doomed anyway.
+1 #3 Jack Reacher 2017-03-03 10:51
Can someone explain why the so called Islanders on Culatra or other villages are entitled to rent out their dwellings on aIr bnb during the lucrative summer months. I thought these people lived and worked here year round. Do they pay tax on their holiday rental?
+3 #2 dw 2017-03-02 22:55
Quoting Maximillian:
It looks like democracy in Portugal has gone down the drain. :sigh:

What else do you expect in a peripheral backwater debt-colony of the United States of Goldman Sachs Empire?
+3 #1 Maximillian 2017-03-02 20:32
What's happening here is so upsetting. It looks like democracy in Portugal has gone down the drain. :sigh:

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