The SOS 'Spayathon 2022' - over 300 cats sterilised!

THE SOS 'SPAYATHON 2022' - OVER 300 CATS STERILISED!We finished our sterilisation campaign for cats in the concelhos of Loule and Albufeira on Thursday 14th April, late afternoon. It has been an interesting experience to say the least, with many emotions: stress, sadness, disappointment, frustration, kindness, happiness, joy, laughter and fulfilment.

Ukraine: Urgent appeal for donations to buy medical supplies

UKRAINE: URGENT APPEAL FOR DONATIONS TO BUY MEDICAL SUPPLIESThe people of Portugal have been extremely generous in their support of Ukraine by donating clothing and food through the many and various appeals that have been launched. 

Ukrainian Relief Fund: An Appeal for Urgent Help

UKRAINIAN RELIEF FUND: AN APPEAL FOR URGENT HELPOver the past few weeks we have all watched with absolute horror as the war in Ukraine has unfolded in front of our eyes. The pictures of frightened mothers with babies in their arms, pleading for help, and fathers saying goodbye to their loved ones has been unbearable to watch, and all the time we have been asking “What can we do” and “How can we help?”

Can you help this Algarve couple from Russia who have set up a hostel for Ukrainian refugees?

CAN YOU HELP THIS ALGARVE COUPLE FROM RUSSIA WHO HAVE SET UP A HOSTEL FOR UKRAINIAN REFUGEES?Husband and wife Sergey and Yana, both from Russia, bought a building in Portimão a few months ago.  They had the idea of opening it up as a hostel and, while thinking about the options, the events started happening in Ukraine. 

Why We 'Ear Tip' Sterilised Cats

WHY WE 'EAR TIP' STERILISED CATSSterilise Our Strays, or SOS Algarve Animals, is a registered non-profit organisation whose purpose is the sterilisation of cats and dogs living on the street, or belonging to low income families who otherwise have no means to pay for this operation.

SteriliseOurStrays 'Spayathon' will sterilise 300 cats in 1 week

STERILISEOURSTRAYS 'SPAYATHON' WILL STERILISE 300 CATS IN 1 WEEKSteriliseOurStrays is very happy to announce the financial side of the spaython in April 2022 is sorted out!  We achieved our goal and more!

Early Age Sterilisation in kittens and puppies

EARLY AGE STERILISATION IN KITTENS AND PUPPIESEarly age neutering of kittens and puppies is always a touchy subject, but in a country like Portugal where the problem is so overwhelmingly big, and the number of unwanted cats is huge, there truly is no other way than to sterilise early and prevent even more unwanted births! Population Management in a humane way!

Arts and Crafts Market - Every 1st Sunday of the month

ARTS AND CRAFTS MARKET - EVERY 1ST SUNDAY OF THE MONTHStarting on March 6th, Eastern Algarve dog charity 'A Dog’s Life' will be holding a monthly Arts and Crafts Market to raise funds, from 10am until 3pm, in the square in Moncarapacho.  The event is supported by Moncarapacho and Fuseta Fregusias.