Christmas Shoeboxes Once Again Bring Joy To The Elderly

CHRISTMAS SHOEBOXES ONCE AGAIN BRING JOY TO THE ELDERLYThe '16th annual Christmas Shoebox Campaign for the Elderly' this year has once again been a tremendous success.  Over 250 boxes were collected and delivered.

Charitable Christmas Cheer

CHARITABLE CHRISTMAS CHEERTwenty-two disadvantaged families on the Algarve’s west coast will be having (or, ‘had’, if using after Christmas) a far happier Christmas than they might otherwise have expected.

RCEPI help and encourage the students of Estoi

RCEPI HELP AND ENCOURAGE THE STUDENTS OF ESTOIFor the last 9 years Rotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) has given a Portuguese / English and English / Portuguese dictionary to each of the 5th year students of the School “Poeta Emiliano da Costa" in Estoi. 

Raising funds for Castelos de Sonhos

RAISING FUNDS FOR CASTELOS DE SONHOSCarol Harvey of Portugal Slippers has very kindly  donated a large number of Traditional Portuguese Slippers to raise funds for Castelos de Sonhos, to buy food for families in need this Christmas.

Caring Community Association Supports Covid-hit Charities

Inauguration - Steve Scott with Aida Manchado, Sandra Nunes and Mafalda AlvesAlgarve west coast community association, Amovate, has stepped up its charity work to bring aid to people in the area suffering through the pandemic.

Long Way Across - a non stop trek across the breadth of Portugal in support of the Wildlife Ranger Challenge

LONG WAY ACROSS - A NON STOP TREK ACROSS THE BREADTH OF PORTUGAL IN SUPPORT OF THE WILDLIFE RANGER CHALLENGEIn a little under a month, Charlie Perring is setting off on Long Way Across, a 301 kms non-stop trek (east to west) of the Algarve, to raise funds for the Wildlife Ranger Challenge - an initiative created by TUSK to support the men and women rangers who dedicate their lives patrolling the national parks and game reserves of Africa, to protect the precious wildlife that remains there.

Tavira Resident Sets Off On The Trans Euro Trail For Charity

 Bryan Jeanes, set off on Friday to complete a 3000 km ride through Portugal on the Trans Euro Trail,Algarve resident, Bryan Jeanes, set off from Tavira on Friday to complete a 3000 km ride through Portugal on the Trans Euro Trail, on a 250cc AJP (Portuguese) Enduro bike. He is hoping to raise €3000 for local charity, East Algarve Families in Need.

Streetlife supporters swim the English channel to raise funds

STREETLIFE SUPPORTERS SWIM THE ENGLISH CHANNEL TO RAISE FUNDSA round of applause... In August four brave ladies, Christine Beckwith, Carol Arnold, Lisa Jones and Val Jones decided they would attempt a “virtual” English Channel swim to raise much needed funds for our local StreetLife Sterilisation Programme based in the East Algarve.