Top Cop26 climate advocates

TOP COP26 CLIMATE ADVOCATESAntonio Guterres, former prime minister of Portugal, now secretary-general of the United Nations, is likely to be one of the most articulate and passionate advocates for urgent action at the gathering of world leaders in Glasgow for the COP26 summit on climate change.

Climate change: what is happening in Portugal?

CLIMATE CHANGE: WHAT IS HAPPENING IN PORTUGAL?If the sea invades coastal areas, floods start to be recurrent, storms form at a speed never seen before, droughts impede agriculture, global warming causes water shortages, heat waves become the norm, new diseases appear and animals and plants disappear. What could happen?

Deforestation must be stopped!

DEFORESTATION MUST BE STOPPED!Portugal has had a shared language and close social ties with Brazil since it discovered and started colonising this huge South American country five centuries ago, but it now finds itself in danger of suffering an environmental catastrophe, partly because of the on-going destruction of the Amazon rainforest more than 4,500 kilometres away.  

Climate crisis worse than ever

CLIMATE CRISIS WORSE THAN EVERSo far, it’s been a savage summer with deadly wildfires, storms and flash floods around the world. Hundreds of wildfires in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey have been another reminder, as if one were needed, that the climate is changing.

Climate Change in Portugal: Decoding the Crisis & What the Future Holds for the Country

LIMATE CHANGE IN PORTUGAL: DECODING THE CRISIS & WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR THE COUNTRYClimate change and global warming are monumental problems that are threatening the existence of human civilization. Across the globe, many regions have been experiencing a spate of extreme weather events, including cyclones, blizzards, heatwaves, and forest fires. The severity and frequency of such events have also escalated.

Climate predictions for Portugal

CLIMATE PREDICTIONS FOR PORTUGALThe recent rural wildfire that encroached on the municipality of Portimão in the Algarve was yet another reminder that scientists consider Portugal to be one of the most vulnerable countries in Europe to climate change.

New plan to fight climate change

NEW PLAN TO FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGEPortugal and all the other member states of the European Union have just been presented with an ambitious new climate change plan formulated by the EU Commission that hopes to influence other major countries in the lead up and during the crucial Cop-26 climate summit conference in Glasgow this November.

Congrats CIP: Circular Economy

CONGRATS CIP: CIRCULAR ECONOMYThe Confederation of Enterprises, CIP, have good webinars on Circular Economy. Good for the environment, saves raw materials, reduces waste and garbage, and innovates. Many other countries have laws to run this, we do not, yet.