
New Energy Law offers 'UPAC' systems for smaller budgets!

New Energy Law offers 'UPAC' systems for smaller budgets!Auto Consumption AND Feed In possible, AND NO Batteries needed -  finally PV Solar Power is accessible for everyone !

Until now it was illegal to have PV power for auto-consumption AND feed back into the grid (FIT). Thanks to the new Portuguese Energy Law (UPAC) you can now have FREE Auto-Consumption AND even feed the excess power back into the grid.

How much have you paid to EDP over the years?

How much have you paid to EDP over the years?EDP prices are only going up, everybody knows that. Energy prices in Portugal have gone up over 50% the last 7-8 years.

But do you know how much YOU pay ? SHS Solar Solutions have made some calculations for you.

Hybrid Solutions give the best of both worlds

Hybrid Solutions give the best of both worldsIt seems the energy market is opening up at last, and Portugal is finally embracing PV Solar Self-consumption.

The EU likes the idea of producing energy in the way that it is most efficient: Solar in South Europe and Wind in North Europe.

A new revolution in heating - Infrared!

A new revolution in heating - Infrared!SHS Group introduces a revolutionary new heating technology: SHS Infrared Heating.

When the colder season starts we all see our electricity bill rise again. Electric heating is a very expensive luxury nowadays, especially in Portugal. So SHS Heating Solutions introduces: SHS Infrared Heating Panels.

EDP goes up by over 3% - again

EDP goes up by 3% again AND the vat goes up to 23.25% !!EDP prices are only going up, everybody knows that. Price increasing over the last years will come as no surprise -  over the last 7 years we had a staggering Electricity price increase of 44.7%.

In January EDP will raise the prices again with 3%  and by law they are allowed to increase every 3 months!!

Stop the Silence campaign arrives in Portugal

Stop the Silence campaign arrives in PortugalMatthew McVarish, Scottish actor, playwright and musician, European Ambassador for the organization "Stop the Silence: Stop Child Sexual Abuse" has been promoting a walk through 32 European capitals, an awareness campaign against sexual abuse of minors. The campaign is entitled "Road to Change: Walk to Stop the Silence (RTC)", and arrives in Portugal in the week of 26 November to 3 December.

As part of this effort to spread this message in Portugal, Mathew and the team, accompanied by Ambassador British Kirsty Hayes, will perform a walk along the riverside area of Belém in Lisbon  from 14h15 on Thursday 27 November, a journey beginning at the Padrão dos Descobrimentos (near the Museu da Electricidade-Alcantara).

Buy The Right Juice Limited Edition DVD NOW!

Buy The Right Juice Limited Edition DVD NOW!The Right Juice Limited Edition DVD is available for sale. A special edition DVD made specially for cast, crew, supporters and friends of the project. This DVD is ‘region free’ so will play on DVD players around the world, and the DVD’s are anticipated to be shipped before the end of November.

Getting cold feet again?

Getting cold feet again?We all know the humid Portuguese winters; outside it can be warmer than inside your house. But why do you keep sponsoring EDP? Surely it's better to get to be independent and self supporting !!