
Dutch still coping with horse meat

horseThe Netherlands is dealing with a renewed outbreak of the horse meat scandal.

An official recall has been ordered for as much as 11,000 kilos of meat believed to be horse meat but sold illegally last year in the country as beef.

The meat came from equestrian centres, pharmaceutical labs and private owners in France.

Portugal's privatisations 'nothing to do with Troika requests'

edpOlli Rehn, the EU’s Economy Commissioner, stated yesterday that the details of Portugal’s rescue programme were decided by the Portuguese government and not by the Troika.

Rehn was responding to questioning from the MEP Elisa Ferreira about the evaluation of the work of the Troika in those countries that had to be bailed out.

'A22 Tolls must end' says Faro MP

4788Algarve MP Artur Rego has expressed his opinion on the tolls on the Algarve’s Via do Infante A22 Via do Infante motorway in a written set of questions to the Minister of the Economy.

Rego is an MP for the CDS-PP party for the Faro constituency and has questioned the Ministry of Economy on the collection of tolls, asking for the system to be scrapped, or at least reduce the tolls cost.

GNR traffic operation cancelled due to 'a change in the weather'

gnrIt was earlier reported:

On Wednesday 14th of January motorist are warned that the GNR will be out in force on the nation’s roads on an operation where the ‘surveillance of traffic’ in various parts of the country will bring in a welcome boost to its accounts from the fines issued.

The operation will cover all types of national, regional and local roads, and the GNR warns motorists that “violations for speeding are the most frequent and lead to an increased risk accidents"

Portuguese economy is growing and will grow in 2014

piresdelimaMinister for the economy Pires de Lima has no doubts that 2014 will be a good year for Portugal, "2014 is the year of investment recovery. The Portuguese economy is growing and will grow in 2014,” said the businessman turned politician.

"Portugal is clearly well positioned on the radar of investors to provide high added value, which is making our country a world reference point for service excellence. The arguments in favour of Portugal are interesting, since we have human resources quality and availability too ' stressed the minister on a business visit to Accenture, a systems maintenance services company.

First arrests in Madeleine enquiry

madeleine2UK Police are keen to make the first arrests in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. An international letter of request was sent last week by the Crown Prosecution Service asking for permission and cooperation with local forces.

Prosecutors and the police would not comment on the details of the letter but it is known that the suspects were present in Praia da Luz at the time Madeleine went missing and have ‘a history of burglary.’

Earthquake off Vila Real de Santo António

earthquakeAn earthquake of magnitude 3.2  on the Richter scale with an epicenter offshore, about 55 miles south-southeast of Vila Real de Santo António, was felt and registered in Seismic Network Stations across Portugal at 22.26 on Sunday night.

Google plans air travel comparison site

googleA new airline ticket price comparison website will be launched by Google.

It will not only “change the way people buy airline tickets forever” but also “blow everyone else out of the water”, according Ryanair’s Michael O’Leary.