If you ever tried to learn anything about SEO, you’ve probably noticed that it sometimes seems that it is all about links. You need more links, you need better links, you need diverse links... Links, links, links.
Do you know that old saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”? Surely you've used it a few times, but do you know what it means? Roughly, it says that having good ideas, dreams, or plans is not enough for something to happen. It is necessary to do, to act (with all the effort, work and risk that might imply) to achieve something, to be ‘successful’.
Google algorithms are getting better and better, and this makes SEO work quite tricky – the rules are constantly changing and sometimes doing something that is good today, means you might need to get rid of it in a year or so, after some of its changes. In our previous post (“3 outdated SEO practices that you need to stop using now”), we’ve already talked about some of these examples.
Do you have a Google Ads account but think you spend a lot of money and get little results? Today we are going to give you two golden tips for its optimisation, which we always apply to our clients' accounts and are always mentioned in our Google Ads training.
The Cloud has provided an abundance of benefits for businesses and independent traders. There are many advantages one can derive from using the Cloud, and this page will seek to tell you a few of them, as well as explaining how the Cloud can save your business from closure, save it time, and save it money.
I opened Facebook today and it is completely different! Nobody asked me if I wanted it and now I don't understand it. How do I get back to the “normal” Facebook?
Facebook's new design is turning people’s head upside down. Everyone’s lost in it. Do you know where the icons and options are?
Do you have a big website with lots of pages, or an online blog? You need to make some “house-cleaning” from time to time to keep good rankings in Google! Do you know how?
Having a big website, like, for example, a blog, where you are constantly publishing content, may seem like a great idea for getting on that first page of Google´s results, as you always dreamt, right? Well, yes, and no. Yes, you need to have fresh, good quality content coming in on a regular basis – ultimately, the more pages, the more opportunities to rank. And no, having lots of pages without any order, in total chaos, can actually have the opposite effect and hurt you SEO-wise. The key here is to regularly do some “house-cleaning” on your website. Today we will tell you exactly what you need to do.
Big decision while we’re all at home – what to watch today and diarise for tomorrow’s viewing. Stream sticks introduce a whole new dimension, including the very latest hits. Are regular trips to the big-screen cinema a thing of the past now that small screens are the first choice…
- How to post in more than one language on Facebook, but without all versions being visible at the same time for everyone
- DIY weekly SEO routine – is it possible to manage it yourself without becoming overwhelmed?
- 10 beginner mistakes in WordPress that you can easily avoid
- SEO tips by Clarity
- Self-Flying Planes and the Future of Air Travel
- Clarity on Google Analytics – getting your early website’s statistics analysis started
- Audience selection on Facebook post promotions
- Keeping the hackers away – ensure that your WordPress website is secure