Facebook - "Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated"

facebookSo apparently said Mark Twain on reading his obituary.  So might Facebook say on reading of its demise.

Like the Guardian, Forbes and Daily Mail this site recently carried news of the demise of Facebook.

Facebook is dead and buried to older teens they claimed.  But is it really true? I think not.

Satellite - UK TV programmes to end in February 2014

dishThe news that many expats in Portugal have been dreading, the commissioning date for the new Astra2E satellite has been posted by SES Astra on its social media pages.

The text below is from today's SES Astra's Facebook pages and warn non-UK viewers, which included those in Portugal of course, that the changeover date, and hence the loss of signal for UK programmes receivable in Portugal, will be in early February 2014.

APP (Appreciating Positive Progress)

apple“App”   …… a self-contained program or piece of software designed to fulfil a particular purpose; an application, especially as downloaded by a user to a mobile device.

"Apparently there are these new apps that will actually read your emails to you"

Algarve company receives European recognition

Hieroglyphics, weird angles, a plinth-mounted statue of Khnum. It's all here...Check out this Stargate-themed cinema room! The first themed Cinema in Portugal, in Pinhal Velho in Vilamoura, and featured in Europe's leading Home Cinema Magazine, Home Cinema Choice. Only a handful of companies worldwide produce themed Cinemas, because of the complexity of the subject and the ease with which it could turn into a disaster. Custom installers get given some very specific briefs, but Portugal's ProjectionDreams had never been asked for a Stargate-themed cinema room that offered 'a sense of mystery and movement; a mixture of sci-fi and ancient civilisations!'

Successful satellite launch spells an end to free satellite service

Satellite TV to endAfter a two week delay to resolve technical problems the Proton rocket blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan yesterday carrying the Astra 2E satellite that spells the end of free TV for a million expats.

The launch was flawless and the ascent on track as a Proton-M/Briz-M launch vehicle blasted off from Baikonur carrying.

Temporary reprieve for Expat UK Telly viewers

Astra 2e satellite launch delayedThe launch of an ILS Proton launch vehicle with the ASTRA 2E satellite was postponed yesterday for technical reasons associated with the launch vehicle. The satellite is being launched for SES of Luxembourg and was built by Astrium. The new launch date will be determined at a later time.

On September 11, Khrunichev engineers at the launch site received an out of tolerance reading in the first stage of the vehicle.

The latest on viewing UK TV Channels

Losing UK TV channelsIn December 2012 the BBC confirmed their plans to move their services from Astra 1N to Astra 2E in 2013 (see HERE). That time is now fast approaching, and as from the end of October/beginning of November 2013, all BBC, ITV, Ch4, and Ch5 TV channels will be unavailable via satellite in most of Mainland Europe.

The Astra 2E Satellite launch has now been scheduled for 15th September, and the final switch over to the Astra 2E satellite is expected to be around the end of October to beginning of November.

'Pornographic Content' scam in the name of the PSP (police)

Pornographic Contint scamIn recent days "pop ups" have again appeared on some people’s computers with the logo of the PSP (Direcção Nacional), with instructions for payment for alleged violation of the law of "copyright and adjacent rights" and / or disclosure of "Pornographic Content Prohibited". 

In addition to containing a realistic identifying graphic, it's has indicators that induce users into taking various steps, in addition to automatically activating their webcam on their PC, leading the user to believe that they are being monitored.