Artists paint mural for animal welfare

Artists paint mural for animal welfareArtists from the tattoo atelier ‘Estudio Onze’ donated their artistic skills towards animal welfare on August 10th.  Miguel Martins, Edgar, and Ana Goulão gifted the Association ‘Animal Rescue Algarve’ (ARA) with an animal welfare-themed mural.

Please Help! 17 Year Old Jack Wilson Paralysed In Salema Accident

Jack Wilson17 year old Jack Wilson was on holiday with the Mills family in Portugal. On the first day of the holiday Jack went into the sea, dived under a wave and broke his neck, leaving him paralysed from the chest down.

Donald Needs A Home!

Donald Needs A Home!Donald, a pure breed Rafeiro Alentejo, was born around February this year. His story is a sad one but full of hope.

The Cadela Carlota Rescue Association in Odiaxere received a call in June, saying there was a large puppy who had been roaming the country roads around the Aerodromo in Arão for a few days.

Goldra News - August 2019

GoldraNot much preamble this time, as there is such a lot to say about things actually going on at the Sanctuary. Enough to say that, in just over three weeks time the holiday season will be over, and we shall be settling back into another busy year of fundraising. Notice of our first lunch of the new season will be out by then, so get your booking fingers ready. And if you have ideas about ways to raise money, do please let us know. You could even join our group - how about that?

CLICK HERE to read Goldra August news.


Charity Hoedown Raises €1800

Charity Hoedown Raises €1800Cowgirls and cowboys joined forces on Saturday night for a hoedown at Pinetrees Riding Centre Quinta do Lago to raise funds for projects aimed at improving the lives of local disadvantaged children.  The event was organised by Uschi Kuhn, incoming President of Almancil International Rotary Club (AIRC) members and Beverley Gibbons, proprietor of Pinetrees.

Afpop EA support StreetLife… A NIGHT TO REMEMBER!

Afpop EA support StreetLife… A NIGHT TO REMEMBER!Wow, what a fabulous night. 138 guests attended our afpop EA Summer Ball / Party Night on Friday 26th July to raise funds for StreetLife. I can safely say a very good time was had by one and all.

Our brilliant entertainers who donated their time, Stuart McColl and Althea had everyone dancing almost from the beginning of the evening while guests were on their starters! By the end of the evening the dance area was full of happy dancing guests, nonstop until 11.30 when the evening had to come to an end.

Aljezur’s Help For Heroes

Aljezur’s Help For HeroesWest coast community association Amovate hosted a “Haven For Heroes” in Vale da Telha, Aljezur last weekend, as 200 bombeiros tackled the worst fires seen in the area for decades.

The association of expats and local Portuguese stepped in to provide an area of respite and refreshment as the fire fighters of Aljezur and surrounding areas battled the huge wild fires that, for a time, appeared to threaten lives and homes in Vale da Telha, Vales, Espartal and other adjoining areas.

'Obrigado Bombeiros' first golf tournament raises €2320!!

AOBAssociação Obrigado Bombeiros held their first golf tournament on Saturday 6 July raising €2,320 towards the Bombeiros de Silves Fire Truck Appeal.

The charity golf event took place at Gramacho Pestana Golf Resort and welcomed 42 players for an 18 hole, pairs stapleford competition, followed by lunch. 100% of the golf fees and 20% of the lunch price was donated, together with proceeds from the raffle and course competitions. A total of €2,320 was raised and has been transferred to the Bombeiros de Silves Fire Truck Appeal.