Corbyn's Lisbon speech - May's Brexit proposal "will be rejected in Parliament"

brexitLenJeremy Corbyn has praised the Government of António Costa for breaking the ‘European austerity spell.’

The British Labour Party leader was in Portugal last Friday, clearly impressed with how Costa’s brand of socialism has turned the country around.

Corruption costs Portugal €18 billion a year

eurozoneA European Parliamentary group has worked out that corruption in Portugal is costing €18.2 billion per year, or about 7.9% of gross domestic product.

Portugal is reported to be the 11th most corrupt country in the EU ranking in monetary terms, but when measured as a percentage of GDP, Portugal is the 17th most penalised country.

Portugal - 'the best destination in the world with the worst airport in the world'

LisbonAirportThe President of the Portuguese Tourism Confederation claims that an airport urgently is needed at the Montijo air base.

"I would venture to say that we're probably the best destination in the world with the worst airport in the world," warns Francisco Calheiros, in an interview with TSF and Dinheiro Vivo.

Monchique fire aid - four months of political incompetence

FiremonchiquealightParliament has approved a lamentably tardy recommendation from the PSD, CDS-PP and Left Bloc for the Government to adopt simplified procedures to support the victims of the Monchique fire, as it did for the fires of 2017 in Pedrógão Grande.

Three resolutions were approved despite the remarkable abstention of Socialist Party MPs who thus appear to want the whole issue to crawl away and die.

Bent magistrate Orlando Figueira sentenced to jail in Operation Fizz verdict

OrlandoFigueiraFlamboyant magistrate, Orlando Figueira, has been sentenced to six years and eight months in prison in a court ruling resulting from Operation Fizz.

Figueira was convicted of taking bribes from the former vice-president of Angola, Manuel Vicente.

Eastern Europeans duped into Alentejo slave labour

croppickersA people trafficker has been arrested in the Alentejo after a warrant was issued to the Judical Police.

Evidence has been collected of suspicious activities associated with labour crews from Eastern Europe which had been working in farms.

Tourism chief praises Algarve University's excellent research

FaroAirportFrontWhat is the secret of Portugal's success? A question posed by the Algarve’s tourist authority, now under the management of João Fernades.

Currently, Portugal is in the centre of worldwide attention, re-elected as the best tourist destination in the world and the recipient of a record number of gongs at the World Travel Awards.

Socialist group wants cannabis production legalised for small producers

cannabisThe Socialist Platform for the Legalisation of Cannabis, an informal structure of militants and Socialist Party supporters, on Friday called on the Government to open up the research and development of the cannabis industry in Portugal.

The group praised the socialist party's support for the Left Bloc’s call for the legalisation and regulation of medicinal cannabis in Portugal, as well as expressing appreciation for the action developed by the PAN party but now want smaller producers to get involved - legally.