Renewable energy supplies Portugal for three days running

windfarmOne of the benefits of the current run of lousy weather is that Portugal has been self sufficient in renewable energy for three consecutive days.
The Portuguese Association of Renewable Energies (APREN) said that from 16:00 on Friday, 9 March and 13.00 on Monday, 12 March, electricity consumption in Portugal was entirely from renewable resources.

Faro strangler gets 19 year sentence

prisonFaro court has sentenced the man who strangled his girlfriend with a flex and then hid her body for more than 24 hours, to 19 years and four months in prison.

After reading the ruling, the presiding judge turned to 38-year-old Miguel Silva and called his actions, "hideous" and "incomprehensible," even though the court did not give him the maximum sentence of 25 years.

Mayor plans "protest in the street" over state of EN125

EN125RoadSurfaceThe mayor of Castro Marim is prepared to “take to the streets” along with a civic group, to complain about the state of the eastern section of the EN125.

Francisco Amaral was being interviewed about the degraded state of the EN125, which, “should shame any Portuguese citizen.”

Ria Formosa ambulance boat service continues with council funding

AmbulanceBoatAn ambulance boat serving the island communities of the Ria Formosa has another year's funding with Faro and Olhão councils joining the Emergency Ambulance Service and the Maritime Authority to ensure continuity.

The vessel, built and paid for by Faro council in 2007, has cost between €150,000 and €300,000 to date but, due to a dispute over operational funding, sat doing nothing for its first six years.

We cannot expect more from Europe without giving more to it, says Portuguese PM

eu“We cannot expect more from Europe without giving more to Europe”,  said Portugal's Prime Minister, António Costa, “Portugal is ready to increase its contribution” to the budget, he told MEPs at a debate on the future of Europe.
Costa reiterated his support for cohesion and agriculture policies, saying that through them “Europe has reached every village, every part of the territory, from the great metropolis to the outermost regions”, bringing the EU into the daily lives of its citizens.

Football boss strings out taxman for 14 years

financaslogoThe battle that the president of Sporting football club is engaged in with the Tax Authority continues. Between February 27 and March 7th this year, Bruno de Carvalho filed four counter claims to four tax enforcement proceedings for a debt of almost €3.3 million.

All of the lawsuits were filed with the Lisbon Tax Court, with the first three filed against the Lisbon Finance Department and the last one (filed on July 7th) filed against the Tax Justice Service (DSJT), the body that that oversees the execution of tax debts.

Fewer Portuguese moving to UK - due to 'Brexit fears'

8572'Brexit fears' have restricted the flow of Portuguese workers moving to the UK with 26% fewer opting for grey northern climes last year, compared to 2016.
Emigration from Portugal to the UK has dropped sharply since June 2016 when UK voters triggered the country’s exit from the European Union.

Storm Felix leaves as Gisele arrives

RainandSunLogoAfter storm Felix exhausts itself, to the detriment of Portugal’s coastline and agricultural infrastructure, Portugal’s weather service has warned of the next event, storm Gisele.

This new spate of bad weather is scheduled to hit the mainland this week after it has moved on from the Azores, heading to the UK but affecting Portugal, en route.