Environment Minister's lamentable Algarve visit

MinisterEnvironmentNot content with pissing off just about everyone he comes in contact with in the Algarve, Environment Minister, João Matos Fernandes, has performed true to form after announcing just €250,000 in central government aid to repair what, at minimum, is €7 million of front line damage wreaked by recent storms and tornados - and that is just in Faro.
The Social Democratic Party in Faro, having seen the lame performance of Faro's mayor, Rogério Bacalhau, as he followed the minister while on a visit to damaged areas on Culatra and Faro Island, said the miserly sum was "ridiculous and insulting."

Environment Minister happy to cover protected REN area with pulp sludge

TejoFoamEnvironmental organisation, Zero, has blasted the Minister of the Environment for an illegal,  misguided and bizarre plan to dump 30,000 m3 of pulp mill waste from the Tagus river bed onto to highly protected land.
ZERO has openly questioned the Ministry of the Environment as to how the plan to remove the waste at the bottom of the Fratel reservoir and dump the foul contents onto protected land at Vila Velha de Ródão, fits in with current environment protection laws covering natural protected areas.

Suspect in €115,000 theft from Jewish Sites network discovered in mental ward

jewishlogoThe man suspected of stealing €115,000 from Portugal’s network of important Jewish sites (Rede de Judiarias), who has been missing since November, has cropped up in a psychiatric unit.
The former candidate for Covilhã council, in Portugal's Central region, has been discovered at a hospital in Beira Interior where he was admitted on March 7th, diagnosed with depression and is receiving medication.

Brand name waters contain plastic micro-particles

water2Many leading brands of water supplied in plastic bottles are contaminated with tiny particles that are seeping in during bottling, according to a major study involving samples from nine countries.

Researchers tested 250 bottles of water in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Thailand, and the United States.

Lusoponte denies liability for April 25th Bridge repairs

BridgeDetailThe concession holder for Lisbon’s deteriorating Ponte 25 de Abril, Lusoponte, "has already paid for the maintenance of the bridge," says Ferreira Amaral, the company’s president.
Recent engineering reports showing the iconic April 25th bridge's poor state of repair which has led to widespread concerns that the government is penny-pinching over bridge maintenance costs which used to be funded by the Lusoponte but now are the responsibility of Infraestruturas de Portugal.

Tavira pensioner loses €230,000 in cash

gnrpatrolMembers of the Tavira GNR have arrested a 45-year-old man wanted in connection with the theft of €230,000 in cash, the property of a local pensioner.
A police operation has been carried out in Tavira and Olhão as part of the investigation into the theft after 13 search warrants were issued for homes, a commercial establishment and eight vehicles as well as an arrest warrant.

Tourist dies in beach rock fall

helicopterMerlin101Despite general advice for everyone to stay away from Portugal’s cliffs and beaches, a Brazilian man has died under a rock fall that also left a German teenager badly injured.
The wounded woman was airlifted from a remote beach in the Sintra area and flown to hospital but the 23-year-old man, Marcos Augusto Oliveira Santos, having suffered head injuries from the falling rocks, died when he lay, despite attempts by an emergency medical team to resuscitate him.

Land clearance deadline extended by ten weeks

13192The PM has extended the deadline after which property owners can be fined for not clearing scrub and trees around their properties.
António Costa announced today the postponement of fines on the day the first deadline was reached, March 15th.