Football boss strings out taxman for 14 years

financaslogoThe battle that the president of Sporting football club is engaged in with the Tax Authority continues. Between February 27 and March 7th this year, Bruno de Carvalho filed four counter claims to four tax enforcement proceedings for a debt of almost €3.3 million.

All of the lawsuits were filed with the Lisbon Tax Court, with the first three filed against the Lisbon Finance Department and the last one (filed on July 7th) filed against the Tax Justice Service (DSJT), the body that that oversees the execution of tax debts.

Fewer Portuguese moving to UK - due to 'Brexit fears'

8572'Brexit fears' have restricted the flow of Portuguese workers moving to the UK with 26% fewer opting for grey northern climes last year, compared to 2016.
Emigration from Portugal to the UK has dropped sharply since June 2016 when UK voters triggered the country’s exit from the European Union.

Storm Felix leaves as Gisele arrives

RainandSunLogoAfter storm Felix exhausts itself, to the detriment of Portugal’s coastline and agricultural infrastructure, Portugal’s weather service has warned of the next event, storm Gisele.

This new spate of bad weather is scheduled to hit the mainland this week after it has moved on from the Azores, heading to the UK but affecting Portugal, en route.

'Tourist tax' proposal slammed by hoteliers

albufeirabeachAn inevitable explosion of indignation has been heard from the offices of the Portuguese Hotels Association and the Algarve’s regional hoteliers’ trade body over the proposal by the region’s mayors to introduce a ‘tourist tax.’

The Associação de Hotelaria de Portugal says that the mayors’ planned introduction of the tourist tax across all the region’s council areas, is “inopportune and inappropriate when considering the competition from other tourist destinations and in taking into account the reduction in British tourists.”

Viga d'Ouro case - former Silves mayors must repay €267,000

silvescouncilThe audit of Silves council finances, ordered by the Public Prosecutor's Office and carried out in the last quarter of 2017, has resulted in the Court of Auditors issuing a (reduced) demand for €260,000, to be paid by the former mayors Isabel Soares and Rogério Pinto.
Their fiscal crimes relate to events between 2004 and 2006, culminating in the infamous Viga d’Ouro case. The mayors' proven ‘financial infractions’ resulted from her refusal to pay a debt to three banks, thus incurring hefty interest and default charges of €668,000.

Portugal launches rebate programme to attract film and TV shoots

filmIn an effort to attract film and television production, Portugal is introducing a new incentive programme, offering substantial rebates of 25 percent of the cost of production up to €4 million per project.

In the case of projects that are determined to have special cultural relevance to Portugal, have significant impact on cinematography in Portugal, chose to shoot in low-population areas or employ actors or technicians with disabilities, rebates of 30% are available.

‘Bookkeeper of Auschwitz’ Oskar Groening dies without serving a day in prison

auschwitzOskar Groening, the former Auschwitz guard convicted in his 90s for his role in the murder of 300,000 Hungarian Jews at the concentration camp, has died in Germany, writes the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Reports of his death surfaced on Monday, though the German publication der Spiegel reported that he died Friday and authorities had not yet received his death certificate. He was 96.

Algarve Socialist Party leader to demand 50% toll charge reduction

11399Luís Graça has been elected leader of the regional Socialist Party in the Algarve, taking over from António Eusébio.

Graça says he promises to make the regional party more lively, "with lots of debates, to get out of his comfort zone and to go and listen to people, civil society, business associations and unions."