Ryanair boss predicts problems for Easter flights

ryanairThe Irish airline's chief executive said on Tuesday that Portugal and Ireland remain the main problems for the company and predicted the cancellation of flights from Portugal and Ireland over the Easter period, possibly stretching into the summer.
"We are very close to concluding the agreements (with the unions) in Spain and Italy and we hope they will be finalised next month," Michael O'Leary told a conference in Brussels today.

Heavyweight investors demand Bank of Portugal governor is called to parliament

bopcarloscostaA group of heavy-weight international investment fund managers, including Pimco and Blackrock, have demanded that the governor of the Banco de Portugal be called to Portugal’s parliament.
They want an explanation of why he lied to them and transfered senior bonds from Novo Banco, back to ‘bad bank’ BES in December 2015, losing their investors €2.2 billion.

University Dean's 'behind cosed doors' trial attracts maximum media attention

studentsgraduationThe Dean of Oporto's Fernando Pessoa University has been on trial for allegedly diverting €3 million from the privately owned institution. The hearing was held behind closed doors as he is so very important that his good name be besmirched, should the public get to hear or read the evidence against him.
Apparently, a private trial has been agreed so as not to call into question his good name or cause "irreparable damage to the university and its students.”

European Commissioners agree that Portugal is doing very well

euThe European Commission today concluded that everything in Portugal is going swimmingly well, despite a few structural reforms to deal with and the odd economic imbalances.
In the most positive endorsement yet of the Socialist government’s anti-austerity strategy, today was a day to highlight what has been achieved and that question as to whether the glass was half full or half empty, can be answered with a statement that it is three-quarters full.

EU plans to halve electrical goods warranty to 12 months

electronicwasteBrussels want to ‘harmonise consumer guarantees issued on equipment purchased from Portugal’s retailers.

Under new proposals, Portugal’s current two-year product warranty will be halved to 12 months, after which it is down to the consumer to bin a defunct piece of equipment, pay for it to be repaired or buy another one.

Amorim's widow is Portugal's richest person

amorimPortugal has only one person on the Forbes rich list, the billionaire widow of cork magnate, Américo Amorim.

Maria Fernanda Amorim appears in position 382 on the Forbes list with a fortune valued at 5.1 billion dollars (€4.1 billion), all of which was inherited from her husband (pictured) who died last July.

Careanos beach rockfall was the 18th during this stormy period

beachSurfRoughThe collapse of a section of cliff at Careanos beach, Portimão, on Tuesday, was the 18th registered collapse along the western Algarve coast since the bad weather began, according to the Portuguese Environment Agency.
The agency should know, as it is responsible for monitoring the cliffs along the Algarve all year round. This routine monitoring work turns into emergency clearing up when large sections of cliff start to fall into the sea, due to poor weather conditions.

Portugal's sardines stocks double - raised 2018 quotas called for

sardinesBunchFertile sardines have doubled their numbers in Portuguese coastal areas where fishing has been banned since October last year.
The results of a scientific survey, carried out at sea last December by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) point to 120,000 tonnes of the nation’s second favourite fish swimming happily in the waters between Caminha and Cabo Espichel.